arcachofo wrote:Rev 2056 corrected an error in the direction of the current:
With positive gain the direction of the current should be the same.
In previous versions to get the same direction you had to use negative gain which seems wrong.
By the way: there are still errors if you use these sources with some pin disconnected.
I'm sorry.Thanks for the information. It will be necessary to redo several subcircuits.
arcachofo and Alex68 like this post
arcachofo wrote:Rev 2056 corrected an error in the direction of the current:
With positive gain the direction of the current should be the same.
In previous versions to get the same direction you had to use negative gain which seems wrong.
Alex68 likes this post
Yes, that is a problem.It is possible that the "Controlled Source" component does not work correctly with the signal generator.
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