New build at Rev 1983 uploaded.
Check first message in this post.
Check first message in this post.
TimFisch and Fizik_S like this post
Thank you.All versions of the program (0.4.15, 1.0.0, 1.1.0) have the error of Clock, WaveGen generators. After switching off the generators, there is a constant high-level voltage at the output. There should be zero voltage.
Fizik_S likes this post
I will post it soon.Can you post the download of rev 2001?
Fizik_S and KerimF like this post
To change the images you need to add your own images to folder data/images with same name used in the program.I just downloaded R2029, but where can I find it to edit the components? The background image and icon, for example, of the HC-SR04? I didn't find it here.
Thank you. Solved at Rev 2033.Not a critical bug: incorrect display of the simulation state. After starting the circuit simulation, the status indicator displays the "Stopped" status.
Fizik_S and Defran like this post
This is not very convenient when using different versions.arcachofo wrote:To change the images you need to add your own images to folder data/images with same name used in the program.
I try to explain how this works in this video:arcachofo wrote:This means that if a file exist in user data folder it will be used instead of SimulIDE data folder.
This applies for most files:
- Background images.
- Icon images.
- Compilers
- Custom Components (Subcircuits, MCUs, Scripted).
- Help files.
- Diode models.
Alex68 and KerimF like this post
Thank you.Error of the "Battery" component: creates a large current in an open circuit.
Fizik_S and KerimF like this post
Fizik_S, Alex68 and KerimF like this post
Fizik_S likes this post
Alex68 likes this post
The controlled source was not working correctly.In this version of the program, the LM3914-LM3916, TL494 subcircuits do not work. The reason is the incorrect operation of the "controlled source" component. The test scheme is in the archive.
arcachofo wrote:This is the development branch. It can be very unstable.
These are last builds of trunk branch at Revision:
- Rev 2056:
Download SimulIDE-R2056_Win64
Download SimulIDE-R2056_Win32
Download SimulIDE-R2056_Lin64
Undo/Redo refactored, need testing.
Changes since Rev 2048:
All changes:
Bug Fixes:
- Diode: Error in linked value.
- Controlled Source: Current is reversed.
- Debugger: path error in Windows.
- SDCC for PIC: search variables.
- Memory: missing some events.
- Micro sensors & peripherals are graphical.
- Subcircuits: make Boards visible inside other boards.
//--use-non-free -mpic14 -p12f675 -V
#define __12F675
#include <pic12F675.h>
typedef unsigned int word;
word __at 0x2007 __CONFIG = _BODEN_OFF &
_CP_ON &
char var1;
char var2;
void delay(int mSec)
unsigned int i,j;
for (i = mSec; i>0 ; i--)
for (j = 110; j>0 ; j--);
void main(void)
TRISIO = 0x08;
ANSEL = 0X00;
CMCON = 0x07; /* disable comparators */
GPIO = 0X00 ;
{ /* Loop forever */
var2 +=2;
That is because the compiler see that those variables are doing nothing in your program, so the compiler "optimizes" it and those variables are removed.I download the last version SimulIDE-R2056_Win32 to test but i found that i can't see my program variable in the variable list
this is my simple code and its compiled and run ok but as i toled befor i can't see my variable var1 and var2 at the list
arcachofo wrote:That is because the compiler see that those variables are doing nothing in your program, so the compiler "optimizes" it and those variables are removed.I download the last version SimulIDE-R2056_Win32 to test but i found that i can't see my program variable in the variable list
this is my simple code and its compiled and run ok but as i toled befor i can't see my variable var1 and var2 at the list
You can try to declare those variables as "volatile", but the compiler might optimize it anyways.
It is the compiler who decides when a variable should be optimized.but how can i display the declaration variable at MCU and watch it
give me an example please
i already test volatile the variable with no chang
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