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List of Feature Requests.

22 posters

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1List of Feature Requests.  Empty List of Feature Requests. Tue Aug 18, 2020 7:14 pm



I think it is a good idea to keep a list of feature requests, so everybody can see if a request is already done or not.

I will update the list in this post and do a poll time to time so Patrons can vote and choose which features should be implemented first.


* Incandescent lamp.
- 16-segment display.
- Digital Potentiometer
*- Digital Thermometer (DS18B20 1-Wire ).
- Real Time Clock (RTC DS3231).
- Rechargeable battery.
* Transformer.
- Solar panel.
- Optocoupler.
- Rotary switch
- Nokia 1616, 6100 lcd.
*- I2C IO Expander interrupt pin.
- DC motor with encoder
* Controlled Voltage and Current Sources (vcvs, vccs, ccvs, cccs).
- xpt2046 touch controller.
- Diode bridge.

- Wattmeter.
- Cos(phi)meter.
- Simple spectrum analyzer (via FFT).
- Induction motor.


- Projects.
- Point Grid.
* Hotkeys to create components.
- Function truth table.
- Oscope: XY composition mode.
- Wave Generator: phase parameters.
- Logic Analizer protocol decoder.
- Group Components and group graphical transformations.
- Automate Tunnels from wires.
- Visualize Component current and power at mouse hover.
- Wires configurable (thickness & color).
- 4 wire joints.

Last edited by arcachofo on Mon May 29, 2023 9:37 am; edited 25 times in total

thisismud likes this post

2List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Sat Aug 22, 2020 3:41 pm


Please add 8051 family of microcontrollers as well.

jeovanevs likes this post

3List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Sat Aug 22, 2020 8:00 pm



asmitahase wrote:Please add 8051 family of microcontrollers as well.

This would be great, but a huge task.

I'm open to implement it, but my knowledge about this subject is not enought.
Maybe if someone is interested we could collaborate.

First we need an existing open source multiplatform simulator for 8051 devices... any suggestion?

jeovanevs likes this post

4List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:30 pm



I'm very interested in new components to use in my remote classroom. Things like rotary encoder, dc motor, joystick and TFT display.

I think I can start programming some of those. The rotary encoder, for example, could be a QDial with 2 output pins.

But I have a few questions:

  • Would you like some contribution? Should I fork the project and make a pull request?
  • Is there a chance we can implement them in 1 or 2 months?
  • Should the rotary encoder be in the Switch category, and then be connected to power rail and ground? Or is it better to put it as an Active component, with its own source?

5List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Tue Sep 08, 2020 8:59 pm




I think I can start programming some of those. The rotary encoder, for example, could be a QDial with 2 output pins.
You can just copy some other component with dial and 2 pins, like variable resistor and add the encoding functionality.

Would you like some contribution? Should I fork the project and make a pull request?
Of course any contribution is very wellcome.
I think you can just implement a component and send me the files (just the new files).

Is there a chance we can implement them in 1 or 2 months?
Dc motor is already implemented in version 0.4.14
Rotary encoder and joystick are not too difficult.
TFT display depends on how complex it is, but implementing these devices ussually require a lot of work, even for a very simplified version maybe something like 100 to 200 hours.
As an example: ssd1306 oled (only spi) took me more than 100 hours of work. And i guess most tft displays are way more complex.
Do you have a model number or datasheet?

"Should the rotary encoder be in the Switch category, and then be connected to power rail and ground? Or is it better to put it as an Active component, with its own source?"
That's a decission to make...
Will the power voltages change?
If yes then better having power pins or a property to change those values (or both).

6List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Mon Sep 14, 2020 7:24 pm



Dc motor is already implemented in version 0.4.14
Great! Thank you!

I think you can just implement a component and send me the files (just the new files).
Alright! I'll start working on the rotary encoder and the joystick, and will send you the files when I'm done.

TFT display depends on how complex it is, but implementing these devices ussually require a lot of work, even for a very simplified version maybe something like 100 to 200 hours.
Yeah, that is tough. And you've done a great job so far – there are not many good Arduino simulators out there. So I've just created a Patreon account and subscribed to your $10 plan. But no pressure, take your time. A simplified version might be good enough for my students.

As an example: ssd1306 oled (only spi) took me more than 100 hours of work. And i guess most tft displays are way more complex.
Maybe they have some similarities that help the next implementation? Both ILI9341 and SSD1306 have Adafruit libraries that use SPI commands. ILI9341 could use the same QImage, but with variable colours for each pixel.

Do you have a model number or datasheet?

7List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Tue Sep 15, 2020 8:46 pm



Thank you very much for your support!
I'm having a look at ILI9341.

Maybe they have some similarities that help the next implementation? Both ILI9341 and SSD1306 have Adafruit libraries that use SPI commands. ILI9341 could use the same QImage, but with variable colours for each pixel.
I made a mistake in my last post: SS1306 implementation in simulide is only I2C.
I can reuse some parts of SS1306, but the hard part is implementing all the commands.
ILI9341 has more that 70 commands, some of them are not really needed, but at least 40 or 50 will be needed.

8List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:29 am


can we have rechargeable battery ? its very help full for small projects , we can indicate battery is charging or discharging

wallysalami likes this post

9List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:31 pm



can we have rechargeable battery ? its very help full for small projects , we can indicate battery is charging or discharging
Added to the list.

wallysalami and thilinajayamini like this post

10List of Feature Requests.  Empty SOME MORE METERS Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:08 pm


First of all, thank you for this awesome simulator!
I'm a teacher and I'm amazed by the complete MCU list!
I have electrical engineering students as well and it would be of interest for them and colleagues to have some more meters as follow:
in order of relevance
- Wattmeter
- Cos(phi)meter
- Multitrack scope with XY composition (lissajous)
- a simple spectrum analyzer (via FFT)

as well as some more power stuffs:

- a sine generator, with amplitude, frequency and phase parameters (I know we have the wave, but is more like a function generator than a supply source)
- a simple transformer model (mono and three-phase)
- an induction motor model
I saw that dc motor will appear in the new release!

Thanks again for your great work, and I'll be happy to help in someways!

wallysalami likes this post

11List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Sat Oct 24, 2020 1:25 pm



Hi. Thanks for your kind words.

Yes, simulide has not very much about AC by now, it it more oriented to basic electronics and microcontrollers.

Thre are some features that could be included in current components, like scope XY composition mode or phase parameters for wave generator.
The rest would be far away in the list of priorities, but could be implemented with some collaboration.

If someone is willing to implement the functionality (even is pseudocode) i could bring it into simulide.

12List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Sat Oct 24, 2020 9:19 pm


As for collaboration:
- At the moment I'm translating the simulide.ts file into the Italian language (I'm on my way...).
- I could involve my Institute as "Patreon" for the project
- I could Unleash some of my students-gargoyles for the creation of some new components. In order to make them effective faster, beyond the examples, there exist a quick reference guide about it? (Not the language but the structure/parts needed)

about the second point, I must get the agreement of the Director before...

13List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Sat Oct 24, 2020 11:41 pm



- At the moment I'm translating the simulide.ts file into the Italian language (I'm on my way...).
That's great, i was missing Italian in the list of laguages.

I could involve my Institute as "Patreon" for the project.
about the second point, I must get the agreement of the Director before...
That would be great too, but there is no problem if it doesn't happen.

- I could Unleash some of my students-gargoyles for the creation of some new components. In order to make them effective faster, beyond the examples, there exist a quick reference guide about it? (Not the language but the structure/parts needed)
There is not reference guide.
Simulide is evolving quite fast, any guide would probably become obsolete in a few months.
Indeed many components made for last release will not work in the version i'm working right now.

I think the first step would be a basic design:
- Type of device: digtal/analog, etc.
- Number and type of pins.
- An idea of how should it work:
   Read voltages from which pins.
   What calculations should be done with that.
   What kind of output.
   Does it need some timing? etc.
- Also how it should look.

Then we can talk about the best solution for that case.
Maybe i can provide the basic structure of the component to start working and later discuss any issue that can arise.

@rkanoid likes this post

14List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:01 pm


Hi SimulIDE support,

First I would like to thank you for developing a free Arduino simulator of high quality, I have been using it for some time now and I was wondering if you know a way to add an Arduino Due to your Arduino library or if I can use this post to request if you can add an Arduino Due in future versions. thank you!

15List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:04 pm




I was wondering if you know a way to add an Arduino Due to your Arduino library
The only way that comes to my mind is writting a simulator for the Cortex  -M3 CPU.
Then writting models for all the perifericals and controllers: Timers, ADC, DAC, CAN, USB, MCI, RTC, RTT, HSMCI, SMC, DMAC, SDRAMC, PWM, PIO, PMC, PDC, EMAC, TRNG, USART, SPI, TWI...
Then make all work together.

It would be great, but these microcontrollers are complex.
For now there are no plans to add this Arduino.

Ale1284 likes this post

16List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:02 pm


Hello, Thank you for this exciting simulator!
Perhaps it would be useful for the application:
Reversible cyclical player (1..16)-bit digital sequence saved in text file or VCD files. It will be convenient to simulate a signal from an external physical device. Based on it, create other elements, such as an rotary encoder.

Excuse my Google translation.

17List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:19 pm



Reversible cyclical player (1..16)-bit digital sequence saved in text file or VCD files. It will be convenient to simulate a signal from an external physical device.
I have something like this in mind.
But still thinking about the best solution.

18List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:16 am



Such a device can be easily made in the form of a subcircuit. I'll try to implement it. I have been thinking about creating such a device for a long time.

arcachofo likes this post

19List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Thu Jan 06, 2022 1:15 pm



Спасибо Вам большое за этот список моделей. Кое что у вас уже работает в последней сборки  R779 что вы дали.
Я хотел бы конечно в первую очередь видеть такие модели :
SCR,DIAC, симистор
Оптопары - с логическим выходом, c выходным биполярным транзистором, c выходом на высоковольтный динистор.
Цифровой термометр DS18B20
Лампа накаливания - с сопротивлением холодной спирали и горячей.
Двигатель коллекторный однофазный с внутренним датчиком ХОЛЛА  - работа как на переменном так и постоянном токе. ( такие которые стоят на эл. инструменте ) с якорной катушкой и катушкой возбуждения с редактированием всех параметров.

И конечно хорошо все делать не сразу. Постепенно вводить эти модели.
Пожелаю ВАМ успехов по модели ATmega 8. Наверное все таки она заработает в следующей сборке.
За модель трансформатора сразу не советую браться. Их много типов. Очень много параметров надо вводить что бы имитировать реальный в железе. Как низкочастотных так и импульсных.

20List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Thu Jan 06, 2022 1:39 pm



Пожелаю ВАМ успехов по модели ATmega 8. Наверное все таки она заработает в следующей сборке.
Atmega8 was implemented recently, most periferical only the basic implementation.
Some things are working, some other things are not working.

Now what we need is good testing:
- Create test units for each functionality one by one, as explained in this post:

By now the only one that can do the C++ part efficiently is me.
Creating test units many people can do.

So I'm focused in the coding part and hopefully someone will contribute more test units.
Fizic_S and you have contributed some firmwares that don't work, but by now I couldn't find the cause of the problems.

Alex68 likes this post

21List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Sun Jan 23, 2022 10:41 pm



Since I just have seen, that the digital potentiometer is already on the list, I want to "add some requirements" based on my wish list:
- number of steps as a parameter
- min / max resistance as a parameter
- linear / log as a parameter
- memory function for wiper position (activatable)
- Controllable via I2C (SCL, SDA, A0.. A2) or incrementally (pins: Up/Down, CLocK, ChipSelect). Would be better to have individual components for each interface..

Real live examples are available e.g.



Since my student already needed such a circuit, me and my colleague tried our best to create a discrete one and ended up with the following circuit:


22List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Mon Jan 24, 2022 12:33 am



Since I just have seen, that the digital potentiometer is already on the list, I want to "add some requirements" based on my wish list:
- number of steps as a parameter
- min / max resistance as a parameter
- linear / log as a parameter
- memory function for wiper position (activatable)
- Controllable via I2C (SCL, SDA, A0.. A2) or incrementally (pins: Up/Down, CLocK, ChipSelect). Would be better to have individual components for each interface..
Ok, that will be useful.

I think that the first implementation will be a simple generic digipot with "parallel" interface (bcd) with the first 4 features in your list.
Then creating subcircuits to add a communication interface.
It would de nice to add some features to "I2C to Parallel" component that allow to implement different behaviors.

Since my student already needed such a circuit, me and my colleague tried our best to create a discrete one and ended up with the following circuit:
nice, that's an smart solution with minimum number of components.

23List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Mon Jan 24, 2022 1:27 pm



I have created a simple digital potentiometer with a parallel interface TPL8002-25. You can download it here:


24List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Mon Feb 21, 2022 5:02 am


arcachofo wrote:
asmitahase wrote:Please add 8051 family of microcontrollers as well.

This would be great, but a huge task.

I'm open to implement it, but my knowledge about this subject is not enought.
Maybe if someone is interested we could collaborate.

First we need an existing open source multiplatform simulator for 8051 devices... any suggestion?

There are many freeware 8051 simulators, but they are not open source  Sad .
The ones I've found open source are gSim51 (http://gsim51.sourceforge.net/) and emu8051 (https://github.com/jarikomppa/emu8051), but they are not multplatform.

I hope someone can help more.

Last edited by jeovanevs on Mon Feb 21, 2022 5:18 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : updating infos)

25List of Feature Requests.  Empty Re: List of Feature Requests. Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:58 am



There are many freeware 8051 simulators, but they are not open source  Sad .
The ones I've found open source are gSim51 (http://gsim51.sourceforge.net/) and emu8051 (https://github.com/jarikomppa/emu8051), but they are not multplatform.

I hope someone can help more.
8051 is already implemented in simulide (for more than 1 year).
But a bit abandoned for some time, currently I don't even know what is working after many changes in MCU simulation.
It needs someone to test it...

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