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A List of the available models names

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1A List of the available models names Empty A List of the available models names Mon Dec 05, 2022 1:08 pm



I noticed that, almost every day, I discover, in one way or another, an element on the rather long ‘Components’ list which could be useful to me. So, I wonder if there is already a list of all available models (their names only) in a separate file.

Now, I try, by using ‘Excel’, to make a list of these names (they could be found in ‘simulide.ini’) and organize them as they are shown in ‘Components’ (Left Panel).
It is not an easy task since it cannot be automated completely (mainly in organizing them). But, sooner or later, this list will be completed and likely made suitable for updates too.

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2A List of the available models names Empty Re: A List of the available models names Mon Dec 05, 2022 10:00 pm



This is my first list.
A List of the available models names AttachmentComponents_01.zip
List of components as shown on the left panel.
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3A List of the available models names Empty Re: A List of the available models names Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:14 am



KerimF , Добрый День !

Хорошую работу делаете. Иногда приходиться при составлении различных схем смотреть в программе базу цифровых элементов. Это занимает много времени. Иногда просто их нет в программе. И тогда приходиться делать им замену.
С вашими списками эл. базы все это быстрее будет.
Большое спасибо Вам ! ! !

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