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1Translations  Empty Translations Tue Aug 18, 2020 6:43 pm



If you want to translate to some other language this is how to proceed:

Get simulide.ts at the end of this post.
Rename to simulide_lang.ts, for examle: simulide_es.ts for spanish, simulide_it.ts for italian and so on.

Open it in Qt Linguist app ( for Linux just type "linguist" in a terminal ) and translate the strings.
Qt Linguist manual: https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.8/linguist-translators.html

Once translated,  save the changes.

You can send the translated .ts file to be included in next release.

Currently these translations are done:

SimulIDE 0.4.15:

- Brazilian Portuguese. simulide_pt_BR.ts
- Czech. simulide_cz.ts
- Dutch. simulide_nl.ts
- French. simulide_fr.ts
- German. simulide_de.ts
- Italian. simulide_it.ts
- Russian. simulide_ru.ts
- Spanish. simulide_es.ts
- Turkish. simulide_tr.ts


Updated translation files to 0.4.15  last changes (22/08/21).

SimulIDE 1.0.0:

- Brazilian Portuguese. simulide_pt_BR.ts
- Czech. simulide_cz.ts
- Dutch. simulide_nl.ts
- French. simulide_fr.ts
- German. simulide_de.ts
- Italian. simulide_it.ts
- Portuguese. simulide_pt_PT.ts
- Russian. simulide_ru.ts
- Spanish. simulide_es.ts
- Turkish. simulide_tr.ts


Uploaded translation files for 1.0.0 (28/01/23).

Last edited by arcachofo on Sat Jan 28, 2023 3:43 pm; edited 11 times in total

Malsasa likes this post

2Translations  Empty Re: Translations Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:36 pm



Can't find 'simulide.ts' on the page.
It must be at the end of the post.

3Translations  Empty Re: Translations Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:56 am



Hi. Thank you.

Now there are links to all files, updated to next version.

4Translations  Empty Translate to Dutch Mon Sep 07, 2020 10:14 pm



I downloaded simulide.ts and installed QT Linquist.
And then I changed .ts in.rtf and opened the file.
Can you give an example how to translate.

5Translations  Empty Re: Translations Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:05 pm




- Get simulide.ts
- Rename to simulide_nl.ts (i guess this is locale for Dutch)
- Open it in Qt Linguist app and translate the strings.
- Save changes.

Qt Linguist manual: https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.8/linguist-translators.html

6Translations  Empty Italian Translation Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:54 am


Here is the Italian translation.
Obviously I had some doubts... Hope to have well interpreted the key accelerator behavior...
Also, I didn't find the extended comments field text, related to the proprieties context...
Translations  Attachmentsimulide_it.zip
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(9 Kb) Downloaded 3 times

7Translations  Empty Re: Translations Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:02 pm



Thank you very much!!

I didn't find the extended comments field text, related to the proprieties context...
This text in Properties window is stored in files in this folder:

You can create a folder for Italian translations: SimulIDE_X.X.X/share/simulide/data/help/_it
Then add files to this folder. One file for each component (files must be lowercase).

@rkanoid likes this post

8Translations  Empty Dutch translation Tue Jan 12, 2021 7:50 pm



I'm almost done with the Dutch translation. I have a few questions, though:

Can I use diacritical characters, like an e with an accent or u umlaut?

With some text, an accelerator is used like &Find. In Dutch, this translates to Vind, which does not have the same accelerator key. Can I just pick another key, or do I need to stick to the original one? eg. Vind (&F)

Last question: Is there a way to locally test the translation before submitting it? I tried my best to translate, but sometimes context is needed for the correct translation. Current means both the electrical current or the present state of something, so 'current source' has 2 distinct meanings.

Bonus question: how do I get the translated file to the correct place? Just upload it here?

9Translations  Empty Re: Translations Wed Jan 13, 2021 3:54 pm



Thank you for your contribution.

Can I use diacritical characters, like an e with an accent or u umlaut?
I think there is no problem with that.

With some text, an accelerator is used like &Find. In Dutch, this translates to Vind, which does not have the same accelerator key. Can I just pick another key, or do I need to stick to the original one? eg. Vind (&F)
I think in general you can use any accelerator you want, but i'm not sure 100%.

Last question: Is there a way to locally test the translation before submitting it? I tried my best to translate, but sometimes context is needed for the correct translation. Current means both the electrical current or the present state of something, so 'current source' has 2 distinct meanings.
Yes, you can compile your .ts file to get a .qm file, that's the actual translation file.
You can do in Qt Linguist app.

then you can place that file in SimulIDE_x.x.x/share/simulide/translations/

The problem now is that you already have a language in your settings (probably English) and Dutch is not yet an option in simulide, so simulide can not load the new translation.

To solve this you can manually edit language setting:
simulide.ini will open in Editor.
Search for "language=" (around line 13)
Set it to language="nl" ( being your qm file name: simulide_nl.qm )
Save simulide.ini, close simulide and open again.
You should see your translation now.

Bonus question: how do I get the translated file to the correct place? Just upload it here?
Yes, you can attach .ts file (in a .zip) in a post here and i will add it to the first post.

10Translations  Empty Re: Translations Thu Jan 14, 2021 8:27 am


I did a second check, and placed all the diacritical characters on their right spot. I was able to save the file, and when I chose 'Release' a qm-file was generated. so far, so good.

I am on linux; next step I put my translation file in:

where all the other translation files are also located

Final step: I edited ~/.local/share/simulide/simulide.ini

and changed English in (en) in Dutch (nl)

But when I start SimulIDE, I still see everything in English

I tried to change the language from within SimulIDE, but the only location where I could find this setting, is when I rightclick on my circuit and check the properties

There I see nothing after 'language' (which could be correct as dutch is not yet a supported language).

When I change to spanish, I notice the setting also changes in simulide.ini, for me a clear indication I was editing the correct file (language=es now)

I close simulide and reopen it, and everything is back to English.

For completeness, I did exactly the same tests on Windows, but on Windows I was also unable to change languages.

What is the correct way to change to a supported language?

11Translations  Empty Re: Translations Thu Jan 14, 2021 5:01 pm



What is the correct way to change to a supported language?
I think you are doing it correctly:
- Circuit_Properties->Language->Choose_one
- Restart simulide.

It is working for me, including the "trick" editing simulide.ini file.
In this video i change languages a few times.
At the end i simulate simulide.ini "trick" by renaming simulide_ru.qm to simulide_nl.qm and editing simulide.ini file.
After restart, simulide is in Russian:

Malsasa likes this post

12Translations  Empty Re: Translations Thu Jan 14, 2021 6:32 pm


I watched your video, and replayed your scenario. That works.

I can see my translations now within SimulIDE.

The difference with my setup, is that I have a launcher in my Gnome Menu to start SimulIDE.

  • When I use the launcher, I always get English.
  • When I start through the File Explorer (like in the video), I get the configured language.
  • When I have a terminal window open, and I am in my home folder, I can also start with /home/simulIDE_0.4.14-SR4_Lin64/bin/simulide. This also gives me English

Anyway, Dutch translation is ready.

Translations  Attachmentsimulide_nl.zip
Dutch translation
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(9 Kb) Downloaded 1 times

Last edited by mvandorp on Thu Jan 14, 2021 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : translation file added)

13Translations  Empty Re: Translations Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:09 pm



Ok, now i understand the problem.

Simulide must be launched from bin folder:

From a terminal you should first "cd" to bin folder then run simulide.
From a launcher you should set the working folder or something like that, or run an script that "cd" to bin first, or set the command to something like: cd path/to/bin & ./simulide.

Maybe we can add some script to simulide root folder that can be launched from any place without all this complications...

Thanks for the translation!!

14Translations  Empty Re: Translations Fri Jan 15, 2021 8:07 am


I changed the launcher settings (see screenshot) and now it works like a charm.



Translations  Simuli10
Launcher settings

arcachofo likes this post

15Translations  Empty Re: Translations Sat Jan 16, 2021 10:39 am


I'm testing with 0.4.14SR4, and I see some text still in English. Specifically the help information, when you look at the properties of  eg. a switch, is still in English.

Especially for help topics a good translation can be very valuable. Are those texts available in some other file, so I can translate those too?


16Translations  Empty Re: Translations Sat Jan 16, 2021 5:14 pm



Especially for help topics a good translation can be very valuable. Are those texts available in some other file, so I can translate those too?
Help texts are in files here:

Each language has it's own folder

I'm testing with 0.4.14SR4, and I see some text still in English.
Maybe strings not included in translation, if so, let me know to solve it.

17Translations  Empty Re: Translations Sat Jan 16, 2021 7:41 pm


If I understand you correctly, I need to copy the directory contents to a folder named _nl and then translate the contents of each separate file to Dutch.

Is that correct?


18Translations  Empty Re: Translations Sat Jan 16, 2021 8:34 pm



If I understand you correctly, I need to copy the directory contents to a folder named _nl and then translate the contents of each separate file to Dutch.

Is that correct?

But here is more freedom than in app translation:
You need to create a folder "_nl" and there you place help files in Dutch.
You can add files translated from the english ones.
And you can add files that have not english version.
Or you can create your personal set of files and put there.

You don't need to do nothing else, just add files there.

It work like this:
- Format:
   Filenames must be the component type in lowercase.
   component.txt for defaulf files (English)
   component_locale.txt for files in help/_locale

- Simulide searchs for files that match the component type (lowercase)
   If there is one in the corresponding _locale folder -> this is used.
   If not and there is one in help folder (english) -> this is used.
   If not file at all -> help text keeps empty.

19Translations  Empty Czech translation Sat Feb 06, 2021 8:44 am


I attached czech translation of simulide.ts.

Translations  Attachmentsimulide_cz.ts.zip
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(9 Kb) Downloaded 1 times

20Translations  Empty Re: Translations Sat Feb 06, 2021 2:31 pm



I attached czech translation of simulide.ts.


21Translations  Empty Re: Translations Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:55 pm


I am currently using a development version, and I see same additions which are untranslated.

Will there be an announcement before a new release comes out, so (for me, for the Dutch version) there will be an opportunity to update the translation with the new phrases so it can be incorporated with the new release?

Or do I need to regularly check (where?) to see if additions are made?



22Translations  Empty Re: Translations Tue Feb 09, 2021 8:31 pm



Will there be an announcement before a new release comes out, so (for me, for the Dutch version) there will be an opportunity to update the translation with the new phrases so it can be incorporated with the new release?
Yes, when a version reaches "final" state, that is: no more changes, just fixes.
Then i will upload here the updated .ts files.
After that there is still some time doing fixes, then it goes public as "stable" version.

But the idea now is making the "final" versions public as "unstable" or "only for testing", to get more bug reports.

While a version is in "RCx" (Release Candidate), translatable messages can appear/change/dissapear.

23Translations  Empty Czech translation Sun Feb 28, 2021 6:39 am


I fixed some mistakes in Czech translation and translated help files into Czech language.

Translations  Attachmentsimulide_cz.ts.zip
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(10 Kb) Downloaded 3 times
Translations  Attachmenthelp_cz.zip
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(36 Kb) Downloaded 3 times

24Translations  Empty Re: Translations Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:16 pm



I fixed some mistakes in Czech translation and translated help files into Czech language.

25Translations  Empty Turkish Thu Mar 18, 2021 7:48 am


Hello, I want to make the language Turkish. How can I do?

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