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Arduino bugs

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1Arduino bugs Empty Arduino bugs Sat Sep 11, 2021 8:07 am


Example AlarmClock
1. To test compilation, I removed ArduinoClock.ino.hex from d:\SimulIde\share\simulide\examples\Arduino\AlarmClock\
2. Compilation ended with SUCCESS!!! Compilation Ok.
3. Attempt to upload FW gives error message ArduinoClock.hex file not found.
Actually, there is no such file in such folder  and anythere on PC.
It means that compilation did not took place at all.
4. The same message occured with Debug attempt.
If I manually create a copy of AlarmClock.ino.hex -> AlarmClock.hex
I still got an error message and AlarmClock.hex deleted from folder.

It's funny isn't it?
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2Arduino bugs Empty Re: Arduino bugs Sat Sep 11, 2021 1:42 pm



Yes, it was a problem compiling for Arduino in the Windows version.
But that issue is already solved.

Anyway thanks for reporting.

3Arduino bugs Empty Re: Arduino bugs Sat Sep 11, 2021 3:05 pm


Sorry, I had bad library in Arduino.
Now it's OK

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