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Arduino Mega as default board instead of Arduino Uno

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I use Arduino Mega and I need to remember to change board from default "Uno" to "Mega" each time I load a .ino file and before compiling.

As this is very annoying for me, I have started to change the source code is order to save the last Arduino used board.

But I have found that BaseDebugger::getInfoInFile allow to specify the desired board in the first line of .ino file:

// SimulIDE Board=Mega

Are this kind of features documented in any place?



Are this kind of features documented in any place?
No, these are new features and still could change.


In SimulIDE v1.0.0 R1233, I have found that board selection has been removed from Compiler Settings dialog.

I can still select Mega board at the first comment line in the .ino file.

Is this a bug or the board selection is now in another place?

Arduino Mega as default board instead of Arduino Uno Captur10



In SimulIDE v1.0.0 R1233, I have found that board selection has been removed from Compiler Settings dialog.

I can still select Mega board at the first comment line in the .ino file.

Is this a bug or the board selection is now in another place?
Thanks, that is a bug.
Probably I "cleaned" too much in last changes...



In SimulIDE v1.0.0 R1233, I have found that board selection has been removed from Compiler Settings dialog
Solved at trunk Rev 1517 (and other versinons as well).


I have found a problem with board selection for Arduino on SimulIDE 1.1.0 SR0 related to dialog translation.

Board selection doesn't appear in Spanish dialog but is correct in English dialog:

Arduino Mega as default board instead of Arduino Uno Fig2a10

Arduino Mega as default board instead of Arduino Uno Fig2b10

BTW, board selection by first line comment:

// SimulIDE Board=Mega

Seems that doesn't work anymore.

Best regards.

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