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Please add opamp with offset voltage pins

2 posters

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It would be great to have an opamp with voltage offset pins.

Please add opamp with offset voltage pins 1f603




Why would you need an opamp with voltage offset pins in a simulation with ideal opamps?.


Hi, arcachofo!

Thanks for your comment.

My reason for wanting offset voltage pins is simply that when testing a design, I would like to be able to have the entire circuit as part of the simulation, not a cut-down version.

Roger Smile



My reason for wanting offset voltage pins is simply that when testing a design, I would like to be able to have the entire circuit as part of the simulation, not a cut-down version.
A simulation is always a "cut-down" version of the real life, it can be more os less accurate, but never 100% real.
In this case you can consider that the input offset is already cancelled...

Maybe in the future input offset simulation will be added and those pins as well (optional).
But by now this is very low priority because it adds little functionality and consumes already scarce cpu time.

Thanks for your suggestions.

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