You have to add a capacitor (10uF for instance) between the oscillator and the 100 ohms resistor (AC amplifier), and ajust the values: 100 ohms and 10k is a relation too big that produces a big gain, change 100 to 1000 for example, if you change 10k for a potentiometer, you can adjuste the gain.. Add also a pot (10k) in the input to reduce the oscillator signal level. With this changes it would be start to work
Or this other schema, but adjusting values in order to avoid the saturation. Both have symetric PS of 5V. See: OpAmp propeties, Supply. Later You can add the ourtput voltage divider, but 100 ohms is too low value, try with 1k or higher.
Adjustment is for testing or variable use and calculated resistors for a concrete use. In this case I change to potentiometers in order that you can do work your circuit.