I hope you will have time to run the debugger for 'test_01.asm' (in attached zip above).
I will try to install the bloated Microchip tools...There is not Linux version for AVR tools, so I can't test avrasm2.
Although the file is recognized but the cursor of the debugger doesn't move; no matter what I do.
We still don't know if your avrasm2.xml file is correct.
I see one problem:
type="avrasm2" is not correct, it must be type="avrasm01" or type="avrasm00" depending on the format of the .lst file.
It could also happens that the .lst format used by avrasm2 is not supported.
You can try both and see which one works or share a .lst file and I will tell you which one to use.
Check the output at bottom panel, you will see something like this:
- Code:
Mapping Flash to Source... 42 lines mapped
Debugger Started
The number of mapped lines should be similar to the number of lines containing actual asm instructions (not declarations, definitions, etc).
To properly setup a new compiler/debugger you should start with something simple like a blinking led.
Once you know that the compiler and debugger is working properly, then try to compile and debug a more complex program.