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Opamp and Trafo circuit.

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26Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Empty Re: Opamp and Trafo circuit. Thu Apr 22, 2021 2:41 am



You are creating a good collection of circuits that will be very useful for testing.

Thanks for sharing.

27Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Empty Re: Opamp and Trafo circuit. Thu Apr 22, 2021 6:55 am


You are welcome, thank you for supporting me  Very Happy
I have seven more, number '35-Negative reference voltage' is not in the picture and is basically the same as no.34. Speed is a full 100% until the generator in circuit 33 is switched on. I don't know what the input signal in real life should be but it seemed to me when it is only positive or only negative than only one leds turns on. No. 33 is the only one that doesn't work as expected. You know already about the generator.
29 Timer and the rest start at pdf page 30/42 with short explanations of the working.
That one and the Touch Controller are very pleasant circuits to experiment with and also number 30 which has a LDR in it. These new resistive sensors in SimulIDE are a very nice addition to the growing number of available components.
The simu-file is this one if somebody wants to try it.

Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 29_30_11

Ps, this picture has a little bit higher resolution. I gave it a right click and 'open image in new tab' at Github.

Last edited by Mistral on Thu Apr 22, 2021 7:10 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Ps)

28Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Empty Re: Opamp and Trafo circuit. Fri Apr 23, 2021 1:06 pm


Hi, I am trying to make no.36 from the same pdf on page 35/42
It is a regulated power supply and it has a transformer. Although it was already a great help when Fizik_S explained how this partially can be replaced with two batteries and the Gnd in the middle I tried it again with a sinus wave generator and some diodes to rectify it. This did not work yet and I made a picture of it 

Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 36_37_10

I expected that the diode would only let go through one half of the sinus but that is not happening with the generator? With the fixed volt it does block. When I set the generator slow at 0.1 Hz it still lets through. This happens in 0.4.14-SR4 as well.

I would like to make a feature request for a transformer. I still didn't figure out how to do it in SimulIDE. Looked for examples on the internet and came across some LTSpice articles, like this one, it is very short
I have LTSpice installed but I don't like it very much. Not that it is not a good program but I find it very bare bone in a graphical point of view. Anyway, this is not to discuss other simulators but about Simulide and what I showed above I do not understand good ?

29Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Empty Re: Opamp and Trafo circuit. Fri Apr 23, 2021 1:44 pm



The Oscope here does not count as a load.

You can add a resistor as a load so the circuit is closed:

Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Osc_di10

I added transformer to the list:

Mistral likes this post

30Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Empty Re: Opamp and Trafo circuit. Fri Apr 23, 2021 7:12 pm


Thank you again  Smile  I wanted to skip 36, thinking it could not be done until I saw your reply. And it has become a very nice simulation that responds to pot R3 and the variable load. Is it as stable as in reality? Maybe not because it is hard to tell with the Speed changes but it is certainly adjustable and fun to handle.

Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 36_37_11


31Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Empty Re: Opamp and Trafo circuit. Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:23 am


arcachofo wrote:I added transformer to the list:

That woulld be nice. It is easy to request but to be honest, I have no idea how much time and effort it will cost you to do that. I figure there are maybe two possibilities: 1. It is difficult and that's why it is not (yet) in the components list, or 2. It can be replaced by other already existing components. 
I tried to make no. 38  AC Millivoltmeter. Used different set-ups like wave generator with voltbase +5V and Volt -10, two generators, one generator with inverted buffer, etc. with no result. This is not intended to ask to 'fix' this simulation but only to make a little bit clear why I made my request.  Wink

Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 36_37_12


Interesting about 40 (I'll add it later) is that when first the 12V is turned on then the Speed drops to zero and can't be adjusted but when the generator is turned on first and then the 12V it is going oké.

About the previous one, no 36 Power supply, by carefully adjusting Pot R3 or Voltage level of the generator it is pretty precise to determine when a circuit failure message will occure.

Last edited by Mistral on Sat Apr 24, 2021 3:54 pm; edited 2 times in total

32Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Empty Re: Opamp and Trafo circuit. Sat Apr 24, 2021 3:40 pm



I tried to make no. 38 AC Millivoltmeter. Used different set-ups like wave generator with voltbase +5V and Volt -10, two generators, one generator with inverted buffer, etc. with no result. This is not intended to ask to 'fix' this simulation but only to make a little bit clear why I made my request.
Can you explain what is the problem you found?

33Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Empty Re: Opamp and Trafo circuit. Sat Apr 24, 2021 5:37 pm


Thank you for asking, I'll try to make more clear what I mean. 
The difficulty is that I can't get circuit 38 AC Millivoltmeter to do as described in the book. It needs an AC signal as input. When I apply a sinus generator, for example base volt at -10 and Volt at 20, I only have one wire as input while in the schematic there are two input AC wires. In example 38 the Voltmeter in the bridge rectifier is jumping around, or it stays stuck at one value 8.4V. It is supposed to give a proportional indication of the AC input voltage.

Essentially it comes down to what is described next. What I am trying to do is to begin from the secundary winding, for example 12V AC, and trying to simulate from there. The primary winding does not seem
critical to me to be in the simulation so a complete tranformer component at this point is not needed yet.
I would like to have confirmation if it can be done or not. If not than no problem of course but at least than I can stop trying it.
I gave it another try and this is going better

Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Ac_inp12

I guess for the most part my help-question comes down to this, how to simulate an AC-volt source?

Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Ac_sou11

By asking me to explain myself better suddenly it already improved a lot, the AC-sinus generator and the bridge rectifier in above test set-up seems to be pretty ok now. Thanks.
Settings: Speed at default. Generator base = -12V, freq = 50 Hz.

34Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Empty Re: Opamp and Trafo circuit. Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:36 am



Ok, now I understand. Thanks for explaining.

Simulide has almost no support for AC, this is something that needs to be addressed.
And I would not use it for AC.

But you can trick it, for example to get an AC signal you can use 2 Wave generators.
One from 0V to 12V and the other form -12V to 0V.
You can set the property "Always On" to ensure they are in phase.

This is a similar aproach as using 2 rails instead of one battery:

Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Ac10

35Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Empty Re: Opamp and Trafo circuit. Sun Apr 25, 2021 1:03 pm


Ok, thank you very much, now I know the bounderies. About the two generators, one positive and the other negative, yesterday after posting it I found that as well, it is in my test circuit. I didn't know it would matter if they are always on or not so that is very good to know, tnx.
Today I will finish this Opamp exercise and put an overview in the Projects-subforum. I spent quite some time with the last one, no. 41, page 39/42
It has a Put-replacement but that doesn't seem to work in 5.15-SR1 and neither in 4.14-SR3. Probably because of the Pnp, an already earlier discussed matter. It works in 4.13-SR5 as you can see in the picture below. The original is here 

Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Put_op10

I miss that plotter a bit in the newer versions, great tool to visualise irregular signals although I found that something similar can also be done with the logic analyser. This circuit's output is most likely not supposed to be irregular but it is responding and with a lot of activity going on.

But you can trick it, for example to get an AC signal you can use 2 Wave generators. One from 0V to 12V and the other from -12V to 0V.

You advise somewhat different settings than I had, mine were:
gen1 : Base= -12 and Volt = 24
gen2 : Base = +12 and Volt = -24
Looking at your post again and it makes more sense to do it your way.

edit2: The plot probe is not the Put's output signal, it is at the Gate of the Put-replacement.

36Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Empty Re: Opamp and Trafo circuit. Sun Apr 25, 2021 3:27 pm


It's probably not only the PNP, example number 41 I can't get it oscillating in 0.4.13 neither, so maybe it's something else in the circuit, maybe I missed something or maybe the real Put should be used and not the replacement for it.

Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Put_op11


I am not going to try this any further, want to close this up and do something else. Although not every project was succesfull I've learned from it and some others are really nice to see it working.

37Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Empty Re: Opamp and Trafo circuit. Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:53 pm


arcachofo wrote:Ok, now I understand. Thanks for explaining.

Simulide has almost no support for AC, this is something that needs to be addressed.
And I would not use it for AC.

But you can trick it, for example to get an AC signal you can use 2 Wave generators.
One from 0V to 12V and the other form -12V to 0V.
You can set the property "Always On" to ensure they are in phase.

This is a similar approach as using 2 rails instead of one battery:

Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Ac10

I attempted to simulate a full-wave rectifier with the suggested trick, but I am not getting the expected result: the voltage measured on the resistor is showing a ripple with the same frequency set for the two generators, while on a full-wave rectifier we should get two ripples for every cycle of the AC generator  

Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Screen10

I did not test the same circuit in the 1.0.0 RC yet, I will let you know if I see a different behavior

38Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Empty Re: Opamp and Trafo circuit. Thu Jan 27, 2022 5:43 am



I attempted to simulate a full-wave rectifier with the suggested trick, but I am not getting the expected result: the voltage measured on the resistor is showing a ripple with the same frequency set for the two generators, while on a full-wave rectifier we should get two ripples for every cycle of the AC generator  
You are right.
Indeed you only need 1 wave generator and just don't use the same ground.
WaveGen component voltages are relative to ground, so just leave the circuit after the bridge "floating".

But doing some tests I found that there is an error is Oscilloscopoe component (0.4.15 and 1.0.0).
Also in 0.4.15-SR9 the Diode is very slow.

I fixed these issues and now is working as it should.
This is 1.0.0 (note that you need 2 oscilloscopes):

Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Fullwa11

39Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Empty Re: Opamp and Trafo circuit. Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:44 pm


arcachofo wrote:
But doing some tests I found that there is an error is Oscilloscopoe component (0.4.15 and 1.0.0).
Also in 0.4.15-SR9 the Diode is very slow.

I fixed these issues and now is working as it should.
This is 1.0.0 (note that you need 2 oscilloscopes):

Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Fullwa11

Great job, thank you for the quick answer!
I see you already did a huge amount of work collecting many bug fixes: do you plan to provide a new release candidate for the ver. 1.0.0 any time soon?

40Opamp and Trafo circuit. - Page 2 Empty Re: Opamp and Trafo circuit. Thu Jan 27, 2022 4:24 pm



do you plan to provide a new release candidate for the ver. 1.0.0 any time soon?
Yes, I think it is ime for a new RC, maybe in 1 or 2 weeks.

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