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SPLD simulation

2 posters

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1SPLD simulation Empty SPLD simulation Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:28 pm


I don't know adequate PAL simulator under Linux, at Windows only Proteus looks good, but i need it for testing ATF16V8B that i have. It looks like implement this with jed files as firmware will be easier than any MCU.


2SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Fri Jan 22, 2021 12:42 am



I'm not familiar with JEDEC format, Not even with PLDs in general.
But jed files work for a concrete device.. isn't it?
If so then we need to implement JEDEC format and each one of these devices?

PLDs is not in the plans for now and this would require someone with deep knowledge of the topic, which is not me.

Anyway i'm open to collaborate.

3SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Fri Jan 22, 2021 8:53 am


JEDEC File for SPLDs itself is described fairly simple, and this datasheet describes generated by fuses logical equations.
It is like in-simulation external clocked MCU, but i not very understand MCU code. But I probably can make interactive command line simulator for ATF16V8B on basic C++.


4SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Fri Jan 22, 2021 11:19 am



Right now I have 0 time to get into this, but this probably could be solved with the "Function" component or a derivative of it.

So.. from the jed file you can get a combinational function for each output?

Out1 = (In1 & !In2 & In3 ...) | (!In1 & In2 & In3 ...) ...
Out2 = (!In1 & In2 & !In3 ...) | (!In1 & !In2 & In3 ...) ...

5SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Fri Jan 22, 2021 11:36 am


Yes, also ATF16V8B in the registred mode has registred outputs, tri-stated by the /OE pin and clocked by the Clock pin, in the combinational configuration of output and in the complex mode tri-stating of each output is function too, and almost always outputs have feedback to the AND-array.


6SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Fri Jan 22, 2021 12:44 pm



This could be implemented in a subcircuit containing:

- One Input Latch to implement the Clock.
- One Function Component to implement the combinational stuff, with:
One output dedicated to control OE.
- One Output Latch to implement the OE for each output.

Have a look to the Function component: https://www.simulide.com/p/function-component.html

What is needed is a program that can convert jed files to functions readable by the function component.
Then experimentig a bit with it.

7SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Fri Jan 22, 2021 2:30 pm



Here is a very rought idea without the clocked outputs.
Now you need the functions that determine output values, which outputs have feedback, which input controls OE and so on.

Then get it into a subcircuit.

O0 controls channel 0 OE
O1 controls channel 0 Output value
O2 controls channel 1 OE
O3 controls channel 1 Output value

I10 is channel 0 feedback
I11 is channel 0 as input
I12 is channel 1 feedback
I13 is channel 1 as input

SPLD simulation Gal10

8SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Sun Jan 24, 2021 7:30 am


Feedback from function is not needed, feedback from buffers does all the things.
And I need to testing mostly SPLD in registered mode, where each output may be registered or not dependent on fuses. It can be made with function component too...
And on power up registers are set high...

PS: And place ATmega instead of function component, registers and buffers may be easier way Suspect


9SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:33 am



Feedback from function is not needed, feedback from buffers does all the things.
And I need to testing mostly SPLD in registered mode, where each output may be registered or not dependent on fuses.
Yes, that was a rought idea without the clocked registers.
With registers could be something like this (for each channel):

SPLD simulation Gal-re11

PS: And place ATmega instead of function component, registers and buffers may be easier way
Would be simpler circuit, but you need to write a program for that ATmega... scratch

10SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:37 am


And I can send jedec directly to that ATmega over UART...


11SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:43 am



And place ATmega instead of function component, registers and buffers may be easier way
And I can send jedec directly to that ATmega over UART...
To use an Atmega you should write a program that:
- Receive data over uart.
- Convert that data to something usable (likely functions).
- And emulates your device: read inputs, apply funtions, set outputs.

In my opinion, it is the same effort writting a program for a dedicated component in simulide, which is far better.

The subcircuit aproach is easier because you don't need to write a program that emulates the device.
You only need to convert jed files to functions.
But is much slower than a dedicated component.

So each aproach has it's pros and cons...

12SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Sun Jan 24, 2021 11:42 am


I can use recieved fuse map only instead converting jedec to functions, see PAL architecture.
Each 8 rows of fuses described in jedec file define Disjunctive normal form (sum-of-products) function of each output (flip flop input). Bitwise operations might to do all the things.


13SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:26 pm



What about the .sim file?

PIN  16 =  A
PIN  15 =  B
PIN  14 =  C
PIN  13 =  D
PIN  12 =  E
PIN  18 =  F
PIN  17 =  G
PIN   8 =  I0
PIN   2 =  I1
PIN   3 =  I2
PIN   7 =  I3


A =>
    I0 & !I1 & I2 & I3
  # I0 & !I1 & !I2 & !I3
  # !I0 & !I1 & I2 & !I3
  # I0 & I1 & !I2 & I3

B =>
    !I0 & !I1 & I2 & I3
  # I0 & !I1 & I2 & !I3
  # !I0 & I1 & I2
  # I0 & I1 & I3

C =>
    I0 & I1 & I2 & I3
  # !I0 & I1 & !I2 & !I3
  # !I0 & I2 & I3

D =>
    !I0 & I1 & !I2 & I3
  # I0 & !I1 & !I2
  # !I0 & !I1 & I2 & !I3
  # I0 & I1 & I2

E =>
    I0 & !I1 & !I2 & I3
  # I0 & !I2 & !I3
  # !I1 & I2 & !I3
  # I0 & I1 & I2 & !I3

F =>
    I0 & !I1 & I2 & I3
  # I0 & !I2 & !I3
  # !I0 & I1 & !I2 & !I3
  # I0 & I1 & I2 & !I3

G =>
    !I1 & !I2 & !I3
  # !I0 & !I1 & I2 & I3
  # I0 & I1 & I2 & !I3


Do you have some example of a file like this but with registered outputs?

14SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Sun Jan 24, 2021 1:56 pm


I don't use assemblers with simulator, I am use GALasm, in it registered outputs have «.R» suffix, that's all.
In your .sim file it will be so.


15SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:14 pm


Also I have project with 16V8 in registered mode: GAL14500, but it hasn't something like sim files.
Also see GALasm examples in galer directory of it's git repo - galasm hasn't complicated language constructions.


16SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Sun Jan 24, 2021 7:07 pm



I can use recieved fuse map only instead converting jedec to functions,
Bitwise operations might to do all the things.
Can you write a javascript program that does that?

17SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Sun Jan 24, 2021 8:34 pm



I just had a look at some examples, and i see you already have the functions in the .pld file:
B  C   D   E   F  G  H  I  J  GND
K  NC  NC  NC  Z  Y  X  W  A  VCC   

 W = A * B * C
/X = D * E
 Y = F + G
 Z = H * I + J * K
With a simple program you can translate this to inputs for a function component...

It is simpler than i expected.

18SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Mon Jan 25, 2021 3:13 am


I am not sure about JavaScript, but see galemu - CLI (not useful in registered mode) and qt4 (I can't install it with qt5) 22v10 (more complicated than 16v8) emulator written in Python.

I like assembler and uC more than JavaScript, I prefer made simple program for ATmega. Jedec files contain almost same information as galasm files.

Book with funny pictures.


19SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:14 am



I like assembler and uC more than JavaScript, I prefer made simple program for ATmega. Jedec files contain almost same information as galasm files.
And you send the data with an existing programer or something like that?

20SPLD simulation Empty Re: SPLD simulation Wed Feb 03, 2021 10:26 am


I think I can use something like Arduino bootloader for receive jedec data over UART to large Flash memory - jedec already has checksums.


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