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Pwm simulation speed

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1Pwm simulation speed Empty Pwm simulation speed Mon May 17, 2021 1:36 pm


It's close to 100% when the Led is grounded with 'internal' resistance set to 100 Ohm, as in picture.

Pwm simulation speed Pwm-le10

When the same led is connected through the dipswitch than the speed drops to about 40%.
A 'fresh' default led connected with the 100 Ohms resistor and Gnd than the speed drops to 35%.
Code source:

I am not sure to call this a bug but I think it's good to know about this difference and how it can be avoided.

2Pwm simulation speed Empty Re: Pwm simulation speed Tue May 18, 2021 2:39 am



It's close to 100% when the Led is grounded with 'internal' resistance set to 100 Ohm, as in picture.
Yes, the "grounded" feature simplifies the circuit quite a bit.
In this case using an external resistor and ground there are 3 nodes, using a switch + grounded 2 nodes, and only the grounded led is 1 node.

In adition, if there is more than one node, then the admitance matrix should be created and solved.
If there is only 1 node, it can be solved directly, saving many calculations.

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