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Subforum/Gallery/Other resource for .simu projects

2 posters

Is subj needed?

Subforum/Gallery/Other resource for .simu projects Vote_lcap100%Subforum/Gallery/Other resource for .simu projects Vote_rcap 100% [ 2 ]
Subforum/Gallery/Other resource for .simu projects Vote_lcap0%Subforum/Gallery/Other resource for .simu projects Vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
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IMHO, It would be good to have something like subforum on this forum or gallery of works, created with SimulIDE. Or is it better to use other resources, like Hackaday or ...? bounce

arcachofo likes this post




Yes, that would be great.

Any ideas about how should it work?


Fritzing projects and 8051projects, for example. But both of them don't accept new projects now (because of spam?). And Made with KiCAD for example too.

For subforum version - it seems like create "Projects"/"Made in SimulIDE"/... in "Discussions About Electronics" will be enough.




I created a subforum "Projects made in SimulIDE" under "Discussions About Electronics".

At least it is a starpoint. Let's see how it works and maybe later we can can add some other resource.

dvarkin likes this post


It seems like uploading files is disabled in "Projects made in SimulIDE" - I cant find upload form for upload .simu file.




Created a post about constrains for attachments: https://simulide.forumotion.com/t74-attachments#239

For extensions not included (like .simu) you can "zip" them.

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