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Missing libraries on Win10 for Stable Release

3 posters

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Dear All,

[short story]
The Stable Relase does not provide the following libraries thus on Win10 it does not run

[long story]
We started to use SimulIDE in our school for testing firmware that are student are creating (we are teaching Computer Science), but on MOST of the Win10 PCs they couldn't run the SimulIDE due to missing libraries.
I hava managed to extract the above mentioned DLL and by adding those libraries to the root directory of simulide everything seems to work as expected.




Many people is using simulide every day and never heard about a problem like this.
And seems that those a system libraries and simulide should not distribute them.

Maybe is a good idea to run some scan for viruses?


arcachofo wrote:Hi.

Many people is using simulide every day and never heard about a problem like this.
And seems that those a system libraries and simulide should not distribute them.

Maybe is a good idea to run some scan for viruses?

The libraries are System libraries and it seems they are part of "Media Feature Pack"  (see MFP )

According to Microsoft KB3145500 it seems that such libraries are not include in N version of Windows, so it's not a virus issue but it looks more related to the version on Windows.

I will check the OS version our our labs and I will let you know.

I had to "copy" manually the DLL because the student do not own the admin rights so we could not install the MFP (which I believe should be the right way for fixing such issues)




The libraries are System libraries and it seems they are part of "Media Feature Pack" (see MFP )

According to Microsoft KB3145500 it seems that such libraries are not include in N version of Windows, so it's not a virus issue but it looks more related to the version on Windows.
Thanks for the information, it's good to know.

StefanoLenzi likes this post


I have checked the Windows version installed in our school and it states "Windows 10 N Educational Edition" which confirm the missing of "Media Feature Pack"

Do u think is reasanable to provide a Win10N edition with the missing libraries included?




If I understood well, the following four system's files are needed by simulIDE:

I run Windows 7 32, Home Basic. Only the file mfcore.dll is missing.


KerimF wrote:If I understood well, the following four system's files are needed by simulIDE:
Yes, on all the Windows N versione the "Media Feature Pack" is not installed by default so you have either to add those library or install the file as specified by KB (actually installing the Media Feature Pack is the best option)

KerimF wrote:
I run Windows 7 32, Home Basic. Only the file mfcore.dll is missing.

That's very strange.. Where did u find missing library? Did u install the MFP?



StefanoLenzi wrote:
KerimF wrote:
I run Windows 7 32, Home Basic. Only the file mfcore.dll is missing.
That's very strange.. Where did u find missing library? Did u install the MFP?

Sorry for not being clearer.
I didn't need to find the other tree libraries.
After reading this topic, I searched in my Windows folder (I bought my laptop in year 2010). I found them listed already.
But mfcore.dll is missing.

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