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No Entry to Set the MCU Clock of ATmega32

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1No Entry to Set the MCU Clock of ATmega32 Empty No Entry to Set the MCU Clock of ATmega32 Wed Sep 06, 2023 11:23 pm



Windows 7, 32

It seems the frequency setting of ATmega32 is missing.
On my side, by default ATmega32 runs at 16 Mhz. And the frequency cannot be changed to 8 Mhz.



Sorry, missing change.
This should work:

Edit file: data/AVR/mega32/mega32_perif.xml

Add this at line 20 and save:
  <intosc name="intosc" />

The frequency is still 0 MHz when you add a new ATmega32, be sure you set it.

KerimF likes this post



arcachofo wrote:Sorry, missing change.
This should work:

Edit file: data/AVR/mega32/mega32_perif.xml

Add this at line 20 and save:
  <intosc name="intosc" />

The frequency is still 0 MHz when you add a new ATmega32, be sure you set it.

Thank you for your prompt reply.

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