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SimulIDE-0.5.16-RC3: strange behavior of voltage divider

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I just checked the new scope and stumbed over the following bug/feature in version 0.5.16-RC3:

Some voltage sources seem now to have an "internal resistance". The output of theses sources drop when a load is applied.

1. Use 5V fixed volt., wave gen or Clock.
1. connect it to one 100 ohm resistor.
3. Put a probe/scope on the voltage source output.
4.  3.57 V instead of 5V on output of the voltage source is shown.

The sources "Rail.", "Volt. Source" and "Battery" are not affected. However also the op amp seems to be affected (can be checked applying a voltage follower).

SimulIDE-0.5.16-RC3: strange behavior of voltage divider Intern10




Yes, you are right.

After recent chages outputs default to a "digital output" which has some noticeable output impedance.
So now some components need to be updated.

The questions that arises is:
Should op. amps have some output impedance?
If so, it should be configurable.
Any thoughts?



Good question. If it would be configurable, could it also be configured to be 0 Ohms?
Maybe it would be the best do start with 0, if possible. More realistic would be 10...100 Ohms.




Good question. If it would be configurable, could it also be configured to be 0 Ohms?
Exactly cero is not possible, that would mean infinite admitance...
Other Sources are not 100% ideal as well, there is a very small resistance of 1e-14 Ohms.
But in the practice this works as 0.

So as I understand you vote for Configurable, and by default 0 (almost).



Yes. 1E-14 is "enough zero" to me... Laughing
Would be great, when a written 0 could get interpreted internally as 1E-14

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