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Visual ROM Firmware Editor

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1Visual ROM Firmware Editor Empty Visual ROM Firmware Editor Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:59 am



I post another craft. Let's call it "ROM editor". The scheme allows you to edit the contents of the ROM (RAM) in visual mode. I used it to make two models for SimulIDE and will still use it in my work. This scheme will also help you quickly create a microcode of a homemade processor. For ease of editing, the scheme has text comments for each bit written to the ROM. You can change them at your own discretion.
The purpose of the buttons:
"U","D"change the address of the ROM cell for each counter,
"R" - resets the address counter to 0.
"0", "1", ... , "7" - invert the corresponding bits in the ROM (RAM)
"P" - protection against loss of information at the zero address after switching off the simulation (On-editing, Off-storage)

After changing the data, we switch the "P" switch to the Off
position, save the contents of the ROM to a file (binary or text), turn off the simulation, save the scheme. The next time you run it, the contents of the ROM are restored. If it is undesirable to save the contents of the ROM in the schema, then in its properties (for all three ROMs), set the "Persistent" parameter to False.
It's easy to see that the scheme scales easily: you can throw away the extra ROMs with the control scheme, or add a few more.

Visual ROM Firmware Editor Rom_ed11
Visual ROM Firmware Editor AttachmentROM_Editor_24_BIT_count.zip
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2Visual ROM Firmware Editor Empty Re: Visual ROM Firmware Editor Thu Apr 01, 2021 6:50 pm


Your timing is perfect!  Visual ROM Firmware Editor 1f600 
I actually used your project today and it is very handy. Before I tell about that, I think you made a small typo? It says here: 
"0", "1", ... , "7" - invert the corresponding bits in the ROM (RAM)
Did you not mean insert?

I came across a project I am making at the moment, the introduction to it is here:

Part I is about putting data into the Rom and this has to be done by hand because there are no download-files on this page: http://www.galacticelectronics.com/4BitCPU_ClockMicro.HTML
so I used your programmer and that went very well, thank you. Actually, I did address 0 to 31 and the rest in Notepad++ but I did use it to check if I had done it correctly. For that I added two Bcd to 7S displays.

Visual ROM Firmware Editor Rom_ed10

I opened a new github for the 4-bit Cpu, a picture is also there:

3Visual ROM Firmware Editor Empty Re: Visual ROM Firmware Editor Thu Apr 01, 2021 9:59 pm



Mistral wrote: It says here: 
"0", "1", ... , "7" - invert the corresponding bits in the ROM (RAM)
Did you not mean insert?
No, you're wrong. To invert a bit means to change the state to the opposite. Click a few times on any button and you will understand what I wrote about. In this project, I would edit the contents of the ROM using any HEX editor, since the table shows the contents of the ROM in hexadecimal form. Thank you for your interest in my development. Stay tuned for updates: the next release (April 3) will have a built-in memory editor! My development is needed for bitwise editing of ROM contents. I used it to make models of the 74185 and 74184 chips and will continue to use it in my development.

4Visual ROM Firmware Editor Empty Re: Visual ROM Firmware Editor Thu Apr 01, 2021 10:08 pm


Ok, my mistake, I'll test it some more tomorrow.
Just watched this video, looks great.
and tried this hex-converter, took me a while but it seems to be possible to upload a rom with it.

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