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ROM firmware editor for creating a seven-segment indicator decoder

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I developed for myself a scheme that allows you to quickly make a sign generator for a seven-segment indicator placed in the ROM (decoder). Pressing the buttons "a"- " h "inverts the bits, using the buttons" U"," D "we change the address of the ROM cell," R " - resets the address counter to 0. We save the finished firmware to a text file for subsequent loading into the ROM.

ROM firmware editor for creating a seven-segment indicator decoder Rom_ed10
ROM firmware editor for creating a seven-segment indicator decoder AttachmentROM_Editor_7_seg.zip
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Starting with the SimulIDE 1.0.0 version of the program , the proposed scheme has stopped working . This is due to the fact that the author of the program changed the logic circuit simulation engine. As a result, many schemes developed in the SimulIDE 0.4.15 program stopped working correctly in new versions of the program. Correction of the scheme is possible, but it is necessary to analyze the operation of the scheme in each case. I propose a corrected scheme that works in new versions of the program. In this scheme, a switch has been added that blocks accidental erasure of information. After you finish working with the circuit, you need to turn it on before disabling the simulation.
ROM firmware editor for creating a seven-segment indicator decoder 7seg_e10
ROM firmware editor for creating a seven-segment indicator decoder AttachmentROM_Editor_7_seg.zip
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