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Loading Firmware Issues

2 posters

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1Loading Firmware Issues Empty Loading Firmware Issues Sat Mar 13, 2021 8:47 am



I run PIC mcu simulation and later to load the firmware (hex file).
Firstly I tried loading some of the hex files from the example folder from SimulIDE, no issue and simulations were running well.

Next, I wrote & compiled my own C code on MPLABX IDE then I copied the hex file generated to SimulIDE folder containing the circuit I built. After building my led blinking circuit on SimulIDE and clicked on the mcu to load the firmware then I got "simulide has stopped working". This happened many times no matter if I relaunch the simulator or even restart my laptop.

Loading Firmware Issues 88c5f910

Your kind help is very much appreciated.

2Loading Firmware Issues Empty Re: Loading Firmware Issues Sat Mar 13, 2021 5:16 pm



Can you share your source code and hex file to test what is happening?

3Loading Firmware Issues Empty Re: Loading Firmware Issues Mon Mar 15, 2021 2:52 am


arcachofo wrote:Can you share your source code and hex file to test what is happening?

hi, thanks for replying.
below is the code (compiled using MPLABX IDE) and I couldn't attach the hex file (file type not supported for upload in this forum).

#define _XTAL_FREQ 64000000L

void delay(unsigned int x);

void main(void)




void delay(unsigned int x)

4Loading Firmware Issues Empty Re: Loading Firmware Issues Mon Mar 15, 2021 3:13 am



I couldn't attach the hex file (file type not supported for upload in this forum).
To attach you can zip it.

Or you can open it in any editor and copy/paste here like you did with source code.

The problem is probably related to your compiler and I don't have it.

5Loading Firmware Issues Empty Re: Loading Firmware Issues Mon Mar 15, 2021 4:46 am


arcachofo wrote:
I couldn't attach the hex file (file type not supported for upload in this forum).
To attach you can zip it.

Or you can open it in any editor and copy/paste here like you did with source code.

The problem is probably related to your compiler and I don't have it.

hi, copied below is the content of the hex file (I use Microchip XC8 v2.3 compiler running on MPLABX IDE):


6Loading Firmware Issues Empty Re: Loading Firmware Issues Mon Mar 15, 2021 6:52 pm



Thank you very much.

I will have a look.

7Loading Firmware Issues Empty Re: Loading Firmware Issues Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:10 pm



Confirmed, there is a problem in simulide with 18F248/258/448/458

I will solve it as soon as possible.

8Loading Firmware Issues Empty Re: Loading Firmware Issues Tue Mar 16, 2021 5:50 pm


arcachofo wrote:Confirmed, there is a problem in simulide with 18F248/258/448/458

I will solve it as soon as possible.

Thanks. I am with high hope for it. Very Happy
Please keep me updated in here.

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