My request stems from an situation, where a poti was used as an input device for manipulating things on a display.
Here, a slider input would be interesting in order to "emulate" more realistic inputs for games or scrollbars.
Ok, I see the use case, specially in the context of "Boards" (graphical subcircuits).
I see two parts, the first one could be implemented and used first to configure controls, later the second part could be added:
1- A set of configurable and reusable controls.Currently there are some controls only used in one component like the "Joystick" used in KY23.
These could be available for other components.
Some other use voltage as input: SR04, these could use some of the controls.
This needs the implementation of some kind of "Control factory".
So any component can say: give me a control of this type with these characteristics.
Or an independent control can be created and later linked to other components.
These controls could provide generic information: 0% to 100%.
Then components should do whatever they need with this information: convert to resistance, temperature or whatever.
2- A system to link controls to devices.Maybe the best aproach is some kind of "label", in a similar way than Tunnels.
So you create an independent control, you assign a label to it and any component can connect to it using the same label.
This could be used to connect one control to several components, for example to solve dual potentiometer: a component is using a "control label" then it hides it's own control and shows a label: