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Logic Analyzer output gets cleared, when simu is pause (R977@WIN10)

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I had trouble to see I2C signals on the logic analzyers when triggering on a channel.

I used the (following) given arduino I2C example, added a logic analyzer on SDA + SCL and triggered on SCL

The issue can be seen on the following recording:

I had this issue already raised - I also had the feeling it appeared less afterwards. The issue was slowing down my work, that's why I raised it again.




I had this issue already raised - I also had the feeling it appeared less afterwards. The issue was slowing down my work, that's why I raised it again.
I don't remember this one...
I remember one about the last section totally dissapearing.
But this is different, I think the problem here is that when you pause it jumps to the exact time of the pause, not keeping on the last trigger event.

I will have a look.

Anyway I can forget some issue, so it's good to bring it again just in case.



Solved at Rev 997.

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