while programming an ATTiny84 I came across a memory problem.
The ATTiny84 is rated with 512 kByte SRAM.
But as soon as the program uses more than 256 kByte SRAM memory I get the error message "Wrong Firmware" from SimulIDE.
The code cannot be uploaded to the microcontroller.
I measured the actual memory consumption with the GCBasic compiler.
Probably the ATTiny84 has only a wrong memory size in the specifications. There should be enough free space left in my case.
while programming an ATTiny84 I came across a memory problem.
The ATTiny84 is rated with 512 kByte SRAM.
But as soon as the program uses more than 256 kByte SRAM memory I get the error message "Wrong Firmware" from SimulIDE.
The code cannot be uploaded to the microcontroller.
I measured the actual memory consumption with the GCBasic compiler.
Probably the ATTiny84 has only a wrong memory size in the specifications. There should be enough free space left in my case.