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Dynamic memory

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1Dynamic memory Empty Dynamic memory Wed May 10, 2023 8:13 pm


Hi, I implemented dynamic memory like 41464. It is based on static memory and little modified. But I didn't inherited it, only copied memory.cpp and modified. Please could you help me how to inherit it from memory to prevent code duplication. The files are attached.

By the way I think that the write to memory should not be delayed. The data should by written directly at falling edge of the write enable signal. Only the read from memory should be delayed, because it takes some times to put data on the bus.
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2Dynamic memory Empty Re: Dynamic memory Wed May 10, 2023 9:56 pm



Thanks, I will have a look.

3Dynamic memory Empty Re: Dynamic memory Wed May 17, 2023 9:13 pm



vranik wrote:Hi, I implemented dynamic memory like 41464. It is based on static memory and little modified. But I didn't inherited it, only copied memory.cpp and modified. Please could you help me how to inherit it from memory to prevent code duplication. The files are attached.

Hi! Very interesting idea to simulate some memory behavior and projects for my old Speccy and C64...

I would like to do something for it, I mean... collaborate. I'm a newbie but could deal with C/C++ so ... How could I help? Where could I get info about how to implement a memory IC into this SimulIDE or another one?

Smile thank you for your work.

4Dynamic memory Empty Re: Dynamic memory Thu May 18, 2023 4:01 pm


Popopo wrote:Where could I get info about how to implement a memory IC into this SimulIDE or another one?
There is no manual or guide yet. I downloaded the source code from Launchpad, then I generated graphical structure of classes by Doxygen and study the source code.
At first I select the most similar component and I look how it is implemented. Then I try to modify it to get required functionality. Interface between SimulIDE and components is quite simple. The main functionality is concentrated into functions stamp(), voltChanged() and runEvent().
There is also support for Angel script in trunk branch, but I haven't tried to implement any compomenent in Angel script.

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