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Input Capture @ AVR does not work in 1.0.0 (R853)

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I have a hopefully "easier" bug - so just for the lunchbreak between cursing on to the 7segment bug  Input Capture @ AVR does not work in 1.0.0 (R853) 1f606

The input capture does not work in the newest 1.0.0 (R853), but in the old AVR implementation e.g. version 0.4.15.

An example simu file is attached; an example code is here:
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

int main(){
 TCCR1B = (1<<ICES1)| (1<<CS11);
 TIMSK1 = (1<<ICIE1) ;
 DDRC  = 0xFF;
 while(1)      { PORTC ^= (1<<PORTC5); }

ISR(TIMER1_CAPT_vect) { PORTC ^= (1<<PORTC6); }
Input Capture @ AVR does not work in 1.0.0 (R853) AttachmentInputCap1.zip
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I have a hopefully "easier" bug - so just for the lunchbreak between cursing on to the 7segment bug
Thanks, very kind, I appreciate...

The input capture does not work in the newest 1.0.0 (R853), but in the old AVR implementation e.g. version 0.4.15.

An example simu file is attached; an example code is here:
Yes.. input capture is not yet implemented.
I will do it, the example code will be useful for testing, thanks.



Input capture basic implementation in Rev 874.

Only added to atmegax8 (easy to add to others if same variant).
Trigger by comparator not implemented yet.

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