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Why are there radio buttons instead of a checkbox?

4 posters

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As example:
Why are there radio buttons instead of a checkbox? E10
This look is not user-friendly.




This look is not user-friendly.
Why is not user-friendly and what alternative do you propose?


arcachofo wrote:
This look is not user-friendly.
Why is not user-friendly and what alternative do you propose?
I'm propose checkbox.
Radio buttons are always suppose that it will be only one active button from group of buttons. ALWAYS.
In case of example below, we can only show Метка (Label), or only set gain, or only set output impedance.
Don't say you didn't know that.




Radio buttons are always suppose that it will be only one active button from group of buttons.
That is actually the case:
You can choose only one property to be shown.

Label is not included in this group, so it should be a checkbox.
I used a radio button to keep the same "look" in that column.
But I see that it can be confusing.


arcachofo wrote:
Radio buttons are always suppose that it will be only one active button from group of buttons.
That is actually the case:
You can choose only one property to be shown.

Label is not included in this group, so it should be a checkbox.
I used a radio button to keep the same "look" in that column.
But I see that it can be confusing.
Ahhhh! I see now. sunny
I never click on all radio buttons in the Main, but sometimes click on the label and something in the Main, so I think that this buttons are creative checkboxes. Laughing




Ahhhh! I see now. sunny
I never click on all radio buttons in the Main, but sometimes click on the label and something in the Main, so I think that this buttons are creative checkboxes.
Yes, it can be confusing, I will change label to checkbox.



How hard it is to make sense of it all...

dvarkin likes this post


This is a bit confusing, indeed.

Radio buttons in group always need to have enabled one option. If none is used, checkbox above radio group should be used instead to enable/disable entire group. That is standard solution in such cases. Using radio button for one option and/or ability to enable/disable it is quite uncommon...

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