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Buttons of oscilloscope rotations

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1Buttons of oscilloscope rotations Empty Buttons of oscilloscope rotations Fri Oct 01, 2021 11:39 pm



Not all the buttons on the oscilloscope increse the value to rotate clockwise.

2Buttons of oscilloscope rotations Empty Re: Buttons of oscilloscope rotations Sat Oct 02, 2021 8:43 am



The dial for Time Position decreases in value rotating clockwise, this moves the image to the right.
I think this behavior feels more natural: rotating to the right moves the image to the right.

Something similar happens with "Volt Div": decreasing the value increases the size of the wave.
So feels more natural that the wave increases in size when rotating clockwise, even when you are decreasing the value.

3Buttons of oscilloscope rotations Empty buttons scope Sat Oct 02, 2021 4:30 pm



It is an interesting poin of view, but it is confusing. The lowest values should be on the left, the higest values on the right, so it is in professional oscilloscopes and it is very useful according to my professional experience.

4Buttons of oscilloscope rotations Empty Re: Buttons of oscilloscope rotations Sat Oct 02, 2021 5:05 pm



An example, most oscilloscopes are like this:

Buttons of oscilloscope rotations Osc1-d10

VOLTS/DIV : Lower values clockwise.
TIME/DIV:    Lower values clockwise.

5Buttons of oscilloscope rotations Empty Buttons of oscilloscope rotations Sat Oct 02, 2021 6:25 pm



Fine, You are right. Adelante, SimulIde is and it will be the best simulator.

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