I would be very happy to help but not sure to have the proper expertise. I am more into Python than C or C++.
Collaboration does not necesarily means coding.
The coding part is relatively easy for me once evreything is sorted out.
There are plenty of things that anyone can do:
Enhanced midrange core can be implemented on top of the old midrange core I think.
There are some new instructions to implement, but as I understand the old 35 or so instructions are the same.
But I'm not sure if that's really the case.
So first things to do:
- Review the instruction set and see if the 35 instructions are exactly the same or find the differences.
- Find other differences: stack, interrupts, etc.
...Or find this information somewhere in the web.
Once the basic implementation of the core is done, we need one device to test it, let's say 16F1826.
To implement this device we need to do something similar with it's perifericals: Timers, ADC, Usart, etc:
for example, if the Usart is exactly the same in a device that is already implemented, then we can use it.
If not, we must find which one is the most similar, find the differences and create a variant.
Same thing with all perifericals...
This should be much easier for someone which has some knowledge and exerience with the devices.
If you are willing to help there are plenty of things to do.
Other option might be to llok into what you have already implemented sinc I only need an USART and optionally a harware I2C. I am not stuck on the 16F1826.
Yes, as I said before, 16F1826 will not be in version 0.4.15, and will take some time to be in 1.0.0.
You can keep using 0.4.15 or try some of the devices already implemented in 1.0.0, but these devices are not completed.
The best option in 1.0.0 is probably 16F648, but you would be testing it and finding problems to solve.
This would also be a great help.
In conclusion I see these options:
- If you just want to simulate your projects and 16F1825 in 0.4.15 is enought, then keep using it.
- Use 16F648 (or any other) in 1.0.0 and help to finish it testing and reporting issues.
With some help, this device could be finished in short time.
- Get involved in the development of Enhanced Mid-Range core and 16F1826.
This is a lot of work and will take some time, at least a few weeks to get something functional.