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Simulide 0.5.16 Arduino problem

2 posters

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1Simulide 0.5.16 Arduino problem Empty Simulide 0.5.16 Arduino problem Sun Nov 21, 2021 9:06 pm


The attached sketch works fine on Simulide 0.4.15 but doesn't work on Simulide 0.5.16.
Insert arduino uno, connect the oscilloscope to pin 12, load the compiled sketch and you should see a square wave.
The sketch is used to drive simple 433 Mz transmitters.
Simulide 0.5.16 Arduino problem Attachmentradio_tx.zip
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2Simulide 0.5.16 Arduino problem Empty Re: Simulide 0.5.16 Arduino problem Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:12 pm



Thanks. I will have a look.

3Simulide 0.5.16 Arduino problem Empty Re: Simulide 0.5.16 Arduino problem Tue Dec 07, 2021 8:10 am



Do you have an idea of what is controlling Pin 12?

That library is HUGE, finding what is actually doing will take time.
Probably better wait until the actual problem shows up in a simpler example.

4Simulide 0.5.16 Arduino problem Empty Re: Simulide 0.5.16 Arduino problem Tue Dec 07, 2021 9:52 pm


By default the library uses Tx pin12 Rx pin11:
RH_ASK driver;
If you want to use other pins:
The Scketches of the example work (Tx) on Simulide 0.4.15
at least on the pin there is a variable square wave signal,
it is not possible to insert Rx as well.
Probably solved the other arduino problems this will work too.

arcachofo likes this post

5Simulide 0.5.16 Arduino problem Empty Re: Simulide 0.5.16 Arduino problem Wed Dec 08, 2021 8:13 am



This issue is also solved.

Problem was also interrupts:
- Timer Interrupts solved in branch 1.0.0 Rev 674.

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