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Confused about .sim5 file type

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1Confused about .sim5 file type Empty Confused about .sim5 file type Sat Aug 28, 2021 1:43 pm



Working on Rev. 521.
I cannot seem to understand the new .sim5 extension.

1. If I open a .simu file, make changes and save, it seems to be saved as .sim5, but after I close the program, no .simu5 file exists and my .simu is in its original form.

2. If I specifically use Save As... the .simu5 seems to remain, but if this is a subcircuit, it is ignored by higher hierarchy circuits (still seems to use the .simu file)

3. If I rename the .simu5 of the comment above back to .simu, it seems to work, but surely this is just a silly hack.

Could you please explain how to properly make changes in subcircuits?
For example, during Save As.. the .simu extension is always ignored.

Thank you in advance,
Theodore K.

2Confused about .sim5 file type Empty Re: Confused about .sim5 file type Sat Aug 28, 2021 2:30 pm



Sorry, there are still some issues to solve.
I'm working on it right now.

3Confused about .sim5 file type Empty Re: Confused about .sim5 file type Sat Aug 28, 2021 3:12 pm



Should be solved at Rev 523.

The reason for this change is to avoid overwritting circuit files from previous versions:
Most importantly, old AVRs have been removed, so when opening old circuits, New AVRs will be used.
If you edit and save an old circuit containing AVR, it will not be usable in old simulide versions.

With this change, the old .simu file is preserved and a new .sim5 file is created.

Any opinions or suggestions are welcome.

4Confused about .sim5 file type Empty Re: Confused about .sim5 file type Sun Aug 29, 2021 8:41 am


First of all, thank you for your very fast responses!

I tried Rev. 525 and, in my case at least, nothing seems to have changed.
.sim5 files appear and then disappear, .simu files do not get updated and I still have to to resolve to Save As... -> rename .sim5 to .simu hack to make changes in subcircuits.

Sorry to bother you.
Just informing.

Thank you,
Theodore K.

5Confused about .sim5 file type Empty Re: Confused about .sim5 file type Sun Aug 29, 2021 1:44 pm



I tried Rev. 525 and, in my case at least, nothing seems to have changed.
Things has chamged, but I see there are still some problem:

.sim5 files appear and then disappear,
Files don't disappear, but when you click on open circuit, only .simu files are shown by default (this needs to be solved).
If you click in "All files" instead of "Circuits" you will se all of them.
If you use a file browser (including the one in simulide) you will see .sim5 files as well.

.simu files do not get updated
That's the idea.
Simulide now will not overwrite .simu files.
It will always use .sim5 extension to save.

and I still have to to resolve to Save As... -> rename .sim5 to .simu hack to make changes in subcircuits.
This is working for me.
What problem do you have with this?

Sorry to bother you.
Just informing.
Not bothering at all, this is the normal procedure to fix issues.

I'm interested in how this change afects usability and posible alternatives as well.

6Confused about .sim5 file type Empty Re: Confused about .sim5 file type Sun Aug 29, 2021 1:51 pm



.sim5 files appear and then disappear,
This should be solved at Rev 529.

Let me know if you run into some other issues.

7Confused about .sim5 file type Empty Re: Confused about .sim5 file type Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:22 am


Hello once more,

Just compiled and using Rev. 537.

arcachofo wrote:
.sim5 files appear and then disappear,
Files don't disappear, but when you click on open circuit, only .simu files are shown by default (this needs to be solved).
If you click in "All files" instead of "Circuits" you will se all of them.
If you use a file browser (including the one in simulide) you will see .sim5 files as well.

When I say disappear, they truly disappear.
Of course I did not mean not showing due to file extension in the Open File window.
It' s my mistake that I did not give more explanations:
After some tests I see that the disappearance problem is related to having a package inside the .sim5 file.
I have already created a lot of subcircuits, adding a Logic package with pins inside the .simu file, as suggested in the tutorials.
With the new extension, when I save a file with a package inside, the .sim5 file is completely gone from the folder.
This happens no matter if the file comes from an old .simu or is a completely new .sim5 intended as a new subcircuit.

arcachofo wrote:
and I still have to to resolve to Save As... -> rename .sim5 to .simu hack to make changes in subcircuits.
This is working for me.
What problem do you have with this?

So, if I understand correctly, a .xml file with subcircuits in folders (I use the folder attribute) only sees .simu subcircuits and not .sim5.
As a result (and assuming that the "package problem" mentioned above is solved), whenever I have to change a subcircuit, I should then rename .sim5 back to .simu.
I'm not saying I have a problem with this.
I just try to understand the proper use of .sim5 for subcircuits, packages and xml syntax.

For the 100th time, thank you for your help :-)
Theodore K.

8Confused about .sim5 file type Empty Re: Confused about .sim5 file type Mon Aug 30, 2021 3:52 pm



For the 100th time, thank you for your help :-)
No....it's the other way around, thanks to you for reporting.
I can't test all possible cases and I tend to do things the way it works.
If not for people like you, many of these issues would be unresolved.

When I say disappear, they truly disappear.
Of course I did not mean not showing due to file extension in the Open File window.
It' s my mistake that I did not give more explanations:
After some tests I see that the disappearance problem is related to having a package inside the .sim5 file.
I have already created a lot of subcircuits, adding a Logic package with pins inside the .simu file, as suggested in the tutorials.
With the new extension, when I save a file with a package inside, the .sim5 file is completely gone from the folder.
This happens no matter if the file comes from an old .simu or is a completely new .sim5 intended as a new subcircuit.
I can't reproduce this.
Sometimes I need to do the same exact thing to reproduce an issue.
But I can't think how this is even posible, and can't think how having a package in the circuit makes a difference.

The problem is that I don't understand how and when it dissapears:

Lets say you have a file: my_thing.simu
- If you open my_thing.simu file, modify, and save it, a new my_thing.sim5 file is created. And the old my_thing.simu file is kept untouched.

- Now, in that folder you have:

Is this what happens in your case?
If so... when my_thing.sim5 dissapears?

So, if I understand correctly, a .xml file with subcircuits in folders (I use the folder attribute) only sees .simu subcircuits and not .sim5.
As a result (and assuming that the "package problem" mentioned above is solved), whenever I have to change a subcircuit, I should then rename .sim5 back to .simu.
Now it can see both:
- If there is a .simu it will take it.
- If not, it will try to find a sim5.

And I see this can be a problem if the old .simu file is not deleted or renamed, because it will keep taking the old .simu instead of the new .sim5.
I will change it to search first the .sim5, then the .simu.

I'm not saying I have a problem with this.
I just try to understand the proper use of .sim5 for subcircuits, packages and xml syntax.
It should work just like before.

I did a small video editing a subcircuit, note that I delete the old simu file so the new one is taken after restart (this will be solved).
But I can't see how the .sim5 can dissapear.
Let  me know what I doing differently:

9Confused about .sim5 file type Empty Re: Confused about .sim5 file type Mon Aug 30, 2021 4:22 pm



arcachofo wrote:And I see this can be a problem if the old .simu file is not deleted or renamed, because it will keep taking the old .simu instead of the new .sim5.
I will change it to search first the .sim5, then the .simu.
This should be solved at Rev 538.

10Confused about .sim5 file type Empty Re: Confused about .sim5 file type Tue Aug 31, 2021 10:05 am


Hello again,

Just updated to Rev. 540.

The problem is that I don't understand how and when it dissapears:

Lets say you have a file: my_thing.simu
- If you open my_thing.simu file, modify, and save it, a new my_thing.sim5 file is created. And the old my_thing.simu file is kept untouched.

- Now, in that folder you have:

Is this what happens in your case?
If so... when my_thing.sim5 dissapears?

OK, step-by-step my silly example #1 (New file):
1. Start simulide
2. Drag 2 tunnels and a buffer and connect them
3. Set names for 2 tunnels: A, B
4. Save circuit as (offers me .sim5 extension). Navigate to some folder, give a name te.sim5
5. File is created and exists ("ls te.sim5" in folder from terminal)
6. Drag package in and save
7. File disappears ("ls te.sim5" in folder from terminal)

And then my silly example #2 (previously created .simu file):
1. Start simulide
2. Open existing file "por.simu" in folder "por" with already created "por_LS.package"
3. Remove a wire and re-add it.
4. Save creates por.sim5
5. File is created and exists ("ls por.sim5" in folder from terminal)
6. Right click on package and "Save Package"
7. Retain same name "por_LS.package" and accept replacement
8. Save por.sim5 once more and ...
9. File por.sim5 disappears (only .simu and _LS.package remain)

Sorry for not creating video, but I hope these steps are more detailed now.

Thank you in advance,
Theodore K.

11Confused about .sim5 file type Empty Re: Confused about .sim5 file type Tue Aug 31, 2021 4:55 pm



I could find the problem.

The problem is about backups.
And the reason why I could not reproduce it before is because:
While I'm adding new stuff I get lot of crashes, having backups enabled interferes a lot, so I have Circuit backups disabled.

I will change the backup system so this can't happen even if there a problem with file names.

12Confused about .sim5 file type Empty Re: Confused about .sim5 file type Wed Sep 01, 2021 12:22 am



Forgot to mention:
The "dissapeared file" issue should be solved at Rev 541.

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