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Compiler settings Bug in embeded Editor ?

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1Compiler settings Bug in embeded Editor ? Empty Compiler settings Bug in embeded Editor ? Fri Apr 12, 2024 12:20 pm



A minor complaint here ;-) SimulIDE 1.1.0-SR0

I try to set custom board like that :

At glance it works and i could compile and push the hex file to the board on the sim part accordingly configured . But when i close the .ino file the "=" sign is encoded in the .cfg file !

So when you reopen the .ino files compiler préférences and other settings where revert to defaults, probably because they couldn't be read correctly. But there is no error reported !

Here are my attempted settings !

Compiler settings Bug in embeded Editor ? Compil10

Compiler settings Bug in embeded Editor ? File_s10


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