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R1924 patch: 8051 mov instruction

2 posters

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1R1924 patch: 8051 mov instruction Empty R1924 patch: 8051 mov instruction Mon Sep 25, 2023 4:26 pm


8051's "mov dest, src" is encoded as "0x85 src,desc".

Current implementation is wrong.

The following image is extracted from the manual:

R1924 patch: 8051 mov instruction Snap317
R1924 patch: 8051 mov instruction Attachment8051.zip
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(1 Kb) Downloaded 2 times

2R1924 patch: 8051 mov instruction Empty Re: R1924 patch: 8051 mov instruction Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:22 pm



Thank you.
Patch applied at Rev 1928.

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