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Unable to compile Arduino project with v1.0.0-SR0

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I'm testing out SimulIDE 1.0.0-SR0 with Arduino Uno/Nano running the Arduino IDE v2.1.0.

Regardless of the test program I'm running, I get an error like below:

File: E:/Controler/test2.ino

Found Arduino Version 2
Arduino Compiler successfully loaded.


"C:/Program Files/Arduino IDE/resources/app/node_modules/arduino-ide-extension/build/arduino-cli.exe" compile --no-color --fqbn=arduino:avr:uno --build-path "C:/Users/Jacques/AppData/Local/simulide/codeeditor/buildIno/build" --build-cache-path "C:/Users/Jacques/AppData/Local/simulide/codeeditor/buildIno/cache" "E:/Controler/test2.ino"

Build folder: C:/Users/Jacques/AppData/Local/simulide/codeeditor/buildIno
Arduino Board "arduino:avr:uno"

Error opening sketch: main file missing from sketch: E:\Controler\Controler.ino


One of the issues I can see is this last error where it is looking for a file called "E:\Controler\Controler.ino". The project file is "E:/Controler/test2.ino" and there is no other reference to this "controler.ino" other form the fact that the test files are stored in the "E:/Controler" folder.

I see a similar issue when my files were on OneDrive where the name of the file that it fails on seems to be repeating/duplicating the text after the last "/" sign in the path.

File: C:/Users/Jacques/OneDrive/Projects/Drone Timer Project/Arduino Code 2.0.cpp

    No Compiler Defined
Found Arduino Version 2
Arduino Compiler successfully loaded.


"C:/Program Files/Arduino IDE/resources/app/node_modules/arduino-ide-extension/build/arduino-cli.exe" compile --no-color --fqbn=arduino:avr:uno --build-path "C:/Users/Jacques/AppData/Local/simulide/codeeditor/buildIno/build" --build-cache-path "C:/Users/Jacques/AppData/Local/simulide/codeeditor/buildIno/cache" "C:/Users/Jacques/OneDrive/Projects/Drone Timer Project/Arduino Code 2.0.cpp"

Build folder: C:/Users/Jacques/AppData/Local/simulide/codeeditor/buildIno
Arduino Board "arduino:avr:uno"

Error opening sketch: main file missing from sketch: C:\Users\Jacques\OneDrive\Projects\Drone Timer Project\Arduino Code 2.0.cpp\Arduino Code 2.0.cpp.ino


Is this an SimulIDE issue or Arduino IDE issue?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.




You need to place the sketch in a folder with the same name.



Thanks for the reply, however if I do that I get the next error.

"C:/Program Files/Arduino IDE/resources/app/node_modules/arduino-ide-extension/build/arduino-cli.exe" compile --no-color --fqbn=arduino:avr:uno --build-path "C:/Users/Jacques/AppData/Local/simulide/codeeditor/buildIno/build" --build-cache-path "C:/Users/Jacques/AppData/Local/simulide/codeeditor/buildIno/cache" "E:/Arduino_Projects/test4/test4.ino"

Build folder: C:/Users/Jacques/AppData/Local/simulide/codeeditor/buildIno
Arduino Board "arduino:avr:uno"

Error during build: Cannot find build path: Rel: can't make C:\Users\Jacques\AppData\Local\simulide\codeeditor\buildIno\build relative to E:\Arduino_Projects\test4

After not getting anywhere, I decided to remove Arduino IDE IDE v2.1.0 and go back to Arduino IDE v1.8.19 and now it is all working.

The clue was that if I ran this command from the DOS prompt, I get the same error, indicating that the issue was external to SimulIDE. I now hope that I can run both the legacy version of Arduino IDE alongside the latest version so I can use the legacy version for SimulIDE and the newer vesion for everything else.

I don't know if this is a command-line issue where there are differences between the command-line structure of 1.x vs 2.x, or if this is a Arduino compiler issue, but for now I have a workaround and can start testing/playing.




Seems that there is a problem if the sketch is in another disk, but I don't know why.
Can you compile E:/Arduino_Projects/test4/test4.ino from the Arduino 2 IDE?

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