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Arduino Compile Error - please advice

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1Arduino Compile Error - please advice Empty Arduino Compile Error - please advice Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:06 pm


I am new to SimulIDE

I am working on an Arduino project. However, when trying to compile the .ino sketch I get the following error:

Using Compiler Path:
C:/Program Files/Arduino/

Arduino: ToolChain not found

Right-Click on Document Tab to set Path

    ERROR!!! Compilation Failed

When I compile the same sketch directly in Arduino it works fine. The .hex file also uploads to the virtual Uno in the simulator and runs perfectly. The Arduino version is 1.0.5-r2 and works ok.

It seems to be some problem calling the Arduino compiler from inside Simulide. I've tried to set the path to Arduino several times, but nothing seems to work.

Please have a look at this issue, thank you in advance.




Old Arduino versions are not supported.
You should use at least Arduino 1.8.3 in simulide.
Or use the Arduino IDE and upload the hex from simulide.

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3Arduino Compile Error - please advice Empty Re: Arduino Compile Error - please advice Sun Dec 19, 2021 12:28 pm


Thank you for the advice, I may need to update my Arduino software.
In the meantime I just use the "manual" method as mentioned...



One tip:
If you set "Auto Load" property, then the Arduino will reload the firmware at simulation start.
Then you don't need to reload it every time you compile.

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