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'Show id' text lines break up

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1'Show id' text lines break up Empty 'Show id' text lines break up Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:34 am


This is a non-priority issue.
I like text in my sketches to refind easily what is what. I click on a components properties and write text in the id-field and set Show id on true. Sometimes I use longer lines like 'Program Counter Operand' but the next day when I re-open the same simu-file then suddenly sometimes the line is broken and appears as:
'Program Counter
This only happens with longer text lines but in my opinion it makes it messy so maybe Simulide can be programmed not to break the text-lines anymore?

2'Show id' text lines break up Empty Re: 'Show id' text lines break up Wed Mar 24, 2021 2:22 am



If I remeber well, lines should not break, so probably a bug here.
I will have a look.

3'Show id' text lines break up Empty Re: 'Show id' text lines break up Wed Mar 24, 2021 8:42 am


Thank you.
Maybe it only happens on my computer? It's not a big deal, I can still use Text-component.
Or sometimes I combine two Show ID's from two components and drag both into position.

4'Show id' text lines break up Empty Re: 'Show id' text lines break up Wed Mar 31, 2021 12:44 pm


Unrelated to topic but I introduced somebody to SimulIDE and I must admit, until short ago it thought all the original representation of IC's were gone in the newer versions until I found the Logic Symbol false/true option by right-clicking on the IC.
See discussion from here:
Now I wonder which manufacturers' datasheets does Simulide use as template for assigning names to pins?

Ps, in stead of 'No help available' may I suggest to write there:
'Make Logic Symbol false for real pin lay-out'.

'Show id' text lines break up 4-bit_10

Because not everybody is the same. When I met SimulIDE (since version2.x)  I liked it to figure out things my self and that the makers of this software kind of expected this also from their users and kept it to only giving the bare bones. But times have changed apparantly when more people get to know of this software.

5'Show id' text lines break up Empty Re: 'Show id' text lines break up Fri Apr 02, 2021 3:30 am


Sorry to bother again, I know you are extremely busy but it is said that feed back is helpfull.
Very low priority - I noticed 74HC175 can not be given a logic symbol in 0.4.14

'Show id' text lines break up 74hc1710

6'Show id' text lines break up Empty Re: 'Show id' text lines break up Fri Apr 02, 2021 10:30 am



In the attachment, the archive that will solve the problem. It should be unpacked to the directory " SimulIDE_0. 4. 14-SR4_Win64\share\simulide\data\ic74\"
'Show id' text lines break up Attachment74HC175_LS.zip
You don't have permission to download attachments.
(1 Kb) Downloaded 2 times

Mistral likes this post

7'Show id' text lines break up Empty Re: 'Show id' text lines break up Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:43 pm



Now I wonder which manufacturers' datasheets does Simulide use as template for assigning names to pins?
There is no "rule", even same manufacturers are not consistent all the time.

Ps, in stead of 'No help available' may I suggest to write there:
'Make Logic Symbol false for real pin lay-out'.
Yes, a common help file for all subcircuits would be useful.
I will try to implement it.

Mistral likes this post

8'Show id' text lines break up Empty Re: 'Show id' text lines break up Mon Apr 05, 2021 5:41 am


Thank you both again for the answers and congratulations with the release of version 4.15!
I am making a project so I didn't try .15 yet, this is about something in 0.4.14.
Ok, this is the issue, I open program below and start it, everything okidoki. I stop it, start it again and it crashes everytime. It doesn't matter if I have made changes or saved something or whatever. It only starts once, a second start seems not to be possible. How to find out why that is? Any tips to look for? It is only with this program, it is called Gep ... Testing

'Show id' text lines break up Gep_tt10

Original: http://www.galacticelectronics.com/Simple4BitCPU.HTML
Mine is not finished, it's not working as it should yet but that seems to me unrelated to the start/stop issue. Have a nice Easter  Very Happy

Edit: I am trying to eliminate the problem step by step removing components. Still same crash at this point:

'Show id' text lines break up Gep_cr10

After that I removed all tunnels and crashing has stopped. 
Will try some more later, after putting everything back, am tired.

9'Show id' text lines break up Empty Re: 'Show id' text lines break up Mon Apr 05, 2021 9:10 am



I think the problem place is the RC chains. Circled in the screenshot. First of all, you need to delete them. The tunnels are probably not to blame. You need to be creative about simulating circuits. I usually simulate the algorithm of the circuit. The actual circuit will be more complex than the circuit in the simulation . In a real circuit, you need to take into account the length of the conductors, the matching between the chips of different series, the capacitance and resistance of the conductors, the relative position of the components, and many other parameters. Therefore, when simulating a circuit, you need to throw out all the minor components, such as anti-shatter elements on the buttons (this is what I circled in the screenshot), multivibrators on transistors and logic elements. I have had cases where using a variable frequency multivibrator on a logic gate caused the program to crash.
'Show id' text lines break up Proble10

10'Show id' text lines break up Empty Re: 'Show id' text lines break up Mon Apr 05, 2021 1:59 pm


Thank you, I simplified the switching like you said and somehow I got more interaction with the other sections, the leds come on what I did not see before.

'Show id' text lines break up Agep_c10

The problem did not go away with this change.
So I started removing tunnels and at this point the start/stopping is doing fine:

'Show id' text lines break up Bgep_c10

None of these tunnels were copied, they are all 'fresh from the shelf'.
In total I removed 11 + 5 + 8 + 8 tunnels, marked with red lines.
Could it be that there is a limit to the number of tunnels that can be placed in one scheme?
As I am writing this, I thought let me try this with other tunnels sets, I'll edit this post later.

Anyway, I already had sort of a way around the problem, before I start again I reopen the scheme and at least that prevents a total crash of Simulide so it's not a very big issue.  Wink

Edit - After removing these tunnels start/stopping is going good again:

'Show id' text lines break up Cgep_c10

I stop testing now, want to go carry on with the project itself. Maybe if you want to try it the intact but simplified simu-file is this one:


11'Show id' text lines break up Empty Re: 'Show id' text lines break up Mon Apr 05, 2021 5:45 pm



Could it be that there is a limit to the number of tunnels that can be placed in one scheme?
No, there is no limit.

There are several issues related to tunnels and some other bugs solved in 0.4.15.
But the subcircuits system is totally new, so other problems might arise.

I tested the circuit in 0.4.15 and it doesn't crash for me. But I didn't test if it works.. I have no idea what to do.

Maybe you can test in 0.4.15 and see if it works.

12'Show id' text lines break up Empty Re: 'Show id' text lines break up Tue Apr 06, 2021 3:34 am


Ok, thank you. The circuit is working, except not as it is supposed to function but that has to do with programming and the program counter or maybe some wires are off by me (although I checked them twice). I give it to sunday to try to make it correct but that is seperate from the issue I have with the start/stop on my computer. It is not so easy on a small screen to go step by step through the program zooming in and out, scrolling through the field and even using magnifying glasses. The original is here: 
and contains two sample programs at the bottom of the page. Now I can try the new Rom-editor function. I downloaded version 4.15, took about 3 minutes up and running and it looks great and bettter still, you are right, the start/stop issue is gone!!  Very Happy
Comparing 14&15 with same program and same Ram/Rom memory-datas and they behave differently. I am not sure if you want to go into this but the Ram/Rom-files can be found here:
with my latest Gep-simu-version with title Part Two 14Test1.
The difference in 4.15 seems to be at this 374 register:

'Show id' text lines break up 74hc3710

CP (LTCH INS) is pulsing but nothing comes out at the Q's but in 4.14 it does. 
When I downloaded 4.15 it said 'package xx already excists, do you want to replace it?' I clicked yes. Don't remember the number of the package and it was only one. Don't know how a package already can excist when a program is downloaded for the first time.
Let me test the 374 separately in 4.15, I will let you know.
374 seperately, as stand-alone, works fine.
In circuit it is not responding although inputs and clock are pulsing and /OE is Low. I even changed the 374 with one from the 4.15 components list.

'Show id' text lines break up Gep_pa10
 By the way, this is not about my project, I am fine with that, just want to let you know what I notice  'Show id' text lines break up 1f609
Weird, left under is a copy from left above and functions as expected

'Show id' text lines break up Gep_pa11

Removed tunnels and output comes on

'Show id' text lines break up Gep_pa12

Maybe it is not such a good idea to interchange programs made in 4.14 into 4.15. Of course I could draw this whole scheme a new in 4.15 but that takes a little bit more time.

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