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Digital clock with matrix indicator

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1Digital clock with matrix indicator Empty Digital clock with matrix indicator Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:44 pm



I offer 2 versions of the clock: with a matrix of 8x8 and with a matrix of 7x5 points. There are several fonts in the archive: Arabic numerals and stylized dice.
Digital clock with matrix indicator Matrix10
Digital clock with matrix indicator Matrix11
Digital clock with matrix indicator Matrix12
Digital clock with matrix indicator AttachmentClock_Matrix_8x8.zip
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(37 Kb) Downloaded 22 times
Digital clock with matrix indicator AttachmentClock_Matrix_7x5.zip
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(18 Kb) Downloaded 17 times

arcachofo likes this post

2Digital clock with matrix indicator Empty Re: Digital clock with matrix indicator Wed Mar 30, 2022 4:09 pm



Clock diagram on matrix indicators with static indication.
Only for SimulIDE version 1.0.0

Digital clock with matrix indicator Clock_13
Digital clock with matrix indicator AttachmentClock_split_static_matrix.zip
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