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Nano PD3 PWM returns wrong frequency

2 posters

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1Nano PD3 PWM returns wrong frequency Empty Nano PD3 PWM returns wrong frequency Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:43 pm


Hi, I am playing around with the app and notice Arduino Nano's PD3, which is controlled by Timer2 (base clock ~31Khz) returns wrong frequency.

According to documentation, TCCR2B = 110 should set the divisor to 256, thus PD3 should have a frequency of 122.55Hz, but the simulator shows 244.14 Hz.


Source code (Pascal, but should be easy to translate to C)
  // Configure PD3 as output
  DDRD := DDRD or %1000;
  // Configure PD3 in PWM mode
  TCCR2A := (%10 shl COM2B) or (%1 shl WGM0);
  // Enable timer 2, clock speed / 256
  TCCR2B := %110;
  // Duty cycle = 50%
  OCR2B := 128;

  repeat until False;

2Nano PD3 PWM returns wrong frequency Empty Re: Nano PD3 PWM returns wrong frequency Fri Nov 20, 2020 5:46 pm



Hi. Thanks for reporting.

I think that issue is already solved in development version.

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