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R1910 Bug: Source file fail to compile when copy/move to other folders.

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I found some problems when try to run a 8051 sim program in windows. Since I can't get simulide compiled in qt-creator in windows, I had to debug it under Linux. So I copy the circuit and the source file to linux.

And it can't compile. In the source file's companion cfg file, the file's absolute path is recorded in the "File" attr. It is used by compiler and failed. And it won't get updated when the source file is saved in the new folder.

I'm not sure if this attribute is really needed? If it is, should it record relative path instead of absolute path? Or it should be updated automatically?

And in the compiler item, toolpath is also recorded and is prefered over the global settings, and I don't have a way to update it.


<document version="1.1.0-RC0" rev="1911" >

<item itemtype="File" Compiler="SDCC" SaveAtClose="true" LoadCompiler="true" LoadBreakp="true" OpenFiles="false" File="E:/workspaces/contributes/simulide/mcs51/01-leds/shrink-leds.c" />

<item itemtype="Compiler" compilertype="SDCC" ToolPath="D:/sdcc/bin/" />




I see...
"File" property is not really needed right now, but this may change.

By now I think the issue is solved at Rev 1915.

And in the compiler item, toolpath is also recorded and is prefered over the global settings, and I don't have a way to update it.
Not sure if I understand you correctly, but this issue might be solved at Rev 1912.


arcachofo wrote:
And in the compiler item, toolpath is also recorded and is prefered over the global settings, and I don't have a way to update it.
Not sure if I understand you correctly, but this issue might be solved at Rev 1912.

The companion cfg file has a "Compiler" item, and it has a property "ToolPath", as in the following code sample.

This "ToolPath" is used instead of the one in the global setting, when the code file gets compiled.

<document version="1.1.0-RC0" rev="1911" >

<item itemtype="File" Compiler="SDCC" SaveAtClose="true" LoadCompiler="true" LoadBreakp="true" OpenFiles="false" File="E:/workspaces/contributes/simulide/mcs51/01-leds/shrink-leds.c" />

<item itemtype="Compiler" compilertype="SDCC" ToolPath="D:/sdcc/bin/" />




"ToolPath" and the global setting should be the same, but it was updated correctly.
I think this issue is solved at Rev 1912.


arcachofo wrote:"ToolPath" and the global setting should be the same, but it was updated correctly.
I think this issue is solved at Rev 1912.

It only get updated when it's modified through the compiler option dialog.

I think "extra build options" should be customable per file, but in most cases "tool path" don't need to be customed.



I think "extra build options" should be customable per file, but in most cases "tool path" don't need to be customed.
Yes, that is how it should work now.
Tool Path is for that compiler (saved to settings).
Extra build arguments is for that file (saved to cfg file).

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