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R1881 patch for drag&drop copy

2 posters

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1R1881 patch for drag&drop copy Empty R1881 patch for drag&drop copy Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:22 am


Issues fixed:
 - Crash if ctrl+shift+click on places that have no component.
 - Ctrl+shift+drag won't work on a selected component that has sub graph items ( such as a voltmeter ).
 - If I forget to clear other selections before copy a item that's unselected, it and all the selected before will get copied.
R1881 patch for drag&drop copy Attachmentdnd.zip
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2R1881 patch for drag&drop copy Empty Re: R1881 patch for drag&drop copy Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:20 pm



Thank you.
Patch applied at Rev 1884.

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