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Simulation Speed Very Slow After Adding a Few Components

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The attached schematic, "test_3a.sim1", is updated from "test_2b.sim1" by adding a triac driver.
And the code, test_3a.asm, is a copy of the previous one, "test_2b.asm".

In vain, I couldn’t find out the reason for which the speed had to slow down that much to simulate the updated circuit.

Thank you.
Simulation Speed Very Slow After Adding a Few Components Attachmenttest_03a_ATmega8.zip
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In vain, I couldn’t find out the reason for which the speed had to slow down that much to simulate the updated circuit.
Set Auto step to 0 for all capacitors.
I think you don't need it.



arcachofo wrote:
In vain, I couldn’t find out the reason for which the speed had to slow down that much to simulate the updated circuit.
Set Auto step to 0 for all capacitors.
I think you don't need it.

Thank you, it works.



Also depending on what do you need to simulate you might want to change some other parameters.

For example the wave generator:
When you really need precision use "Quality" = 1000 steps for a smooth wave with many small steps.

But if you want a faster simulation to interact with the circuit like you would do in real life, maybe you don't really need that precision and "Quality" = 100 may work the same and is potentially 10x faster.

Also it depends in what you need to simulate, if you want to simulate some firmware maybe you don't need the complete analog circuit.
You could use a simplified version of the circuit to simulate the firmware and when it is working as expected then add other parts of the circuit.



arcachofo wrote:Also depending on what do you need to simulate you might want to change some other parameters.

For example the wave generator:
When you really need precision use "Quality" = 1000 steps for a smooth wave with many small steps.

But if you want a faster simulation to interact with the circuit like you would do in real life, maybe you don't really need that precision and "Quality" = 100 may work the same and is potentially 10x faster.

Also it depends in what you need to simulate, if you want to simulate some firmware maybe you don't need the complete analog circuit.
You could use a simplified version of the circuit to simulate the firmware and when it is working as expected then add other parts of the circuit.

Useful hints, thank you.

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