What I do:
1. Create new project
2. Add Arduino UNO
3. Load hex which just blinking 13 led
What I expect - led on arduino is blinking.
What I see - nothing.
I have checked in stable version (0.4.15-SR10) and it works as expected.
1. Create new project
2. Add Arduino UNO
3. Load hex which just blinking 13 led
What I expect - led on arduino is blinking.
What I see - nothing.
- Code:
Loading hex file:
Firmware succesfully loaded
Starting Circuit Simulation...
Created 28 eNodes 104 Pins
Initializing 68 eElements
Initializing 28 eNodes
Initializing Matrix: 28 eNodes
Circuit Matrix looks good
FPS: 20 Frames per Sec
Speed: 100 %
Speed: 1000000000000 ps per Sec
ps/Fr: 50000000000 ps per Frame
NonLi: 100000 Max Iterations
Simulation Running...
CircMatrix::solveMatrix 1 Circuits
CircMatrix::solveMatrix 26 Single Nodes
Simulation Stopped
I have checked in stable version (0.4.15-SR10) and it works as expected.
Last edited by arcachofo on Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:06 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Mark as solved (green color))