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Simulide in (scientific) papers and articles

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For some personal reasons, I had a look onto the papers including simulide.
Up to the present date (14.09.22) I found the following articles:

  1. A Digital Twin Simulation Platform for Multi-rotor UAV (2020, DOI),
    Unity, ROS, Matlab and SimulIDE are combined to implement a novel digital twin simulation platform for multi-rotor UAV
  2. Distance Learning for practical digital Electronics (2021, DOI),
    The paper shows the adapted teaching methodology and counts several applications which can be used as alternatives for the practical works, along with their advantages and drawbacks.
  3. A study of microcontroller simulator tools for autonomous and online learning (2022, DOI),
    The paper presents a survey of the ecosystem of tools for 8 or 16 bit microprocessors and microcontrollers development (Proteus Suite, MCU8051 IDE, Tinkercad IDE,  µVision IDE, SimulIDE IDE, TINA Design Suite, MPLAB X).
  4. HoRoSim, a Holistic Robot Simulator: Arduino Code, Electronic Circuits and Physics (2021, DOI),
    The simulator uses abstractions of electronic circuits, Arduino code and a robot simulator with a physics engine to simulate microcontroller-based robots (line-following robot, PID controller testbed). SimulIDE is not used, but a self-developed environment, replacing standard Arduino libs and connecting to CoppeliaSim.
  5. Practical Training for Development and Programming of Embedded Systems (2022, DOI),
    The paper presents the possibility of creating and programming embedded systems in C and assembly in a bachelor’s course for university students.
  6. Learning Hands-On Electronics from Home: A Simulator for Fritzing (2022, DOI, arxiv), Not applying simulIDE, but only as comparison to the Fritzing + Ngspice solution (Ngspice is used in the background for simulating the circuits)
  7. DEflow: An Extensible Hardware Design Platform for Teaching Digital Electronics (2020, Github), Focussing on digital circuits, not applying simulIDE, but only as comparison to the presented solution based on F# + .NET + Elmish React + draw2d JS

Interesting outcomes from this:
  • A generalized interface for 3D simulators (ROS, Unity and other) might be interesting. [1],[4]
  • A cloud based solution is for some approaches advantageous. [3]
  • High-level language debugging capabilities (beyond Arduino) would be great. [3]
  • For university situation a "realistic" multimeter and analog debugging measures would be great (e.g. short circuit detection for batteries; wrong electrolytic direction detection; max power, current, voltage). [6]
  • Analyses on the circuit design might be nice (e.g. warnings for two sources driving one wire, or for unconnected inputs of gates) "errors ought to be visualised directly on the circuit diagram, so to maximise the amount of guidance given to the users." [6],[7]
  • A manual how to contribute to simulide is missing (installation guide, developers guide). [7]
  • Simple modularization (simple way of opening hierarchical components) would be good. [7]
  • Digital tools like HDL editor or a (digital bitwise) waveform editor could be interesting features. [7]
  • Use of common file types can be advantageous, e.g. MIF (Memory Initialization File) for memory, VCD (Value change dump) or LTXfor data output. [7]

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