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Add a PIC to Simulide

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1Add a PIC to Simulide Empty Add a PIC to Simulide Thu Feb 02, 2023 3:53 pm




I used the PIC 18F4455 a lot of times and Simulide was perfect.

Now I have to change to a 16F18877 of 40 pins, because the code is too much.
Is it possible that you can add the 16F18877 with 40 pins in Simulide.
It would be a pleasure for me.

2Add a PIC to Simulide Empty Re: Add a PIC to Simulide Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:58 pm



Hi, there is no plan to add that family of PIC microcontrollers.

3Add a PIC to Simulide Empty Re: Add a PIC to Simulide Tue Feb 14, 2023 10:17 pm



Hi Arcachofo

That's dissapointing. The 16F18877 is a PIC thats very often used. Is there a PIC in SimulIDE I can use instead of?
I hope so.

Regards Ptr

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