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Test ADC -- error read

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1Test ADC -- error read Empty Test ADC -- error read Thu May 05, 2022 9:47 am



I have the problem that it does not return the value of the conversion, the ADCH record. I leave you the test program in case you see something strange. The simulavr program is wonderful. Thank you!!!

Test ADC -- error read Imagen10
Test ADC -- error read Attachmentcircuito.zip
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2Test ADC -- error read Empty FIXED!!! Thu May 05, 2022 12:47 pm


The error:

in adc.h

case ADC_chanelSelection___ADC7:
ADMUX &= ~_BV( MUX3) & _BV( MUX2) & _BV( MUX1) & _BV( MUX0);


ase ADC_chanelSelection___ADC7:
ADMUX &= ~_BV( MUX3) & ~_BV( MUX2) & ~_BV( MUX1) & ~_BV( MUX0);


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