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CTC not working with external T0/T1 signals in Arduino UNO and ATmega328P

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Hi, I think there is a bug in Arduino UNO and ATmega328P when using Timers/Counters 0 and 1 in CTC mode with external input on T0/T1: it counts from 0 to 1 and then it stops working.
I tested the code on real hardware and it works fine.
Furthermore, all other modes (Normal and PWM) of the simulator are working properly.

Last edited by arcachofo on Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:13 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Mark as solved (green color).)



Which version are you using?

Also if you have a simple circuit and code to test it would be helpful.



Hi, I'm using version 0.4.15.

This is the sample code:
void setup(){

   TCCR0A = 0b00000010;
   TCCR0B = 0b00000110;
   OCR0A = 20;

void loop(){

CTC not working with external T0/T1 signals in Arduino UNO and ATmega328P Source11

It should count up to 20 on falling edge of pin 4 and then reset. If you use the internal clock with prescaler instead it counts regularly.

arcachofo likes this post



Issue solved at Rev 275.

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