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TMP36 and DHT Please!!

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1TMP36 and DHT Please!! Empty TMP36 and DHT Please!! Fri Aug 06, 2021 11:14 pm


just environment sensors would be really cool. Very Happy Very Happy

the TMP36 would be great cheers but if you could do the DHT11, which is a temp and humidity sensor in one. That would be awesome. flower flower king

I mean really... any would be nice. It doesn't have to be just these specific models. Razz

Thanks for such a great program!!
I'll try my best to donate what I can.


2TMP36 and DHT Please!! Empty Re: TMP36 and DHT Please!! Sat Aug 07, 2021 3:38 am



3TMP36 and DHT Please!! Empty How do you add a component Thu Sep 02, 2021 2:17 am


I'm sorry. I really tried to do it myself, but i really can't figure out how to add a component into SimulIDE Embarassed I know you guys are busy but if you could spare some time to tell me how, I'd be soooo happy.cat I have limited knowledge of C++. If using linux is easier i can use that.

I downloaded the source files but how do i 'insert' it into simulIDE. On windows machine i put the file in the plugins folder but that didn't do anything, and i can't really get the linux version to work outside of the Appimage.

I'm sorry if im overlooking something simple. I'd appriciate your help so much. Razz Razz <3 <3 <3

4TMP36 and DHT Please!! Empty Re: TMP36 and DHT Please!! Thu Sep 02, 2021 8:07 am




Which Linux are you using?
And.. have you tried to compile simulide from sources in Linux?

If you already managed to compile it's not dificult to add Feri's components.
You should use 0.4.15 branch for these components.

5TMP36 and DHT Please!! Empty I will try my best. :P Tue Sep 14, 2021 1:51 am


I am using Lubuntu 18.05 on my labtop and Ubuntu 18.05 on a Virtual machine.(But of course, I can make a new one that's up to date) No, I have not tried to compile it. I will try that as soon as I am able to. Thanks so much for the reply.

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