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WS2812 using FastLED

2 posters

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1WS2812 using FastLED Empty WS2812 using FastLED Sat Apr 01, 2023 11:47 pm


the WS2812 examples run successful under SimulIDE!

Now I try some examples for WS2812 using FastLED, but I don't get it to run. No light, no error message, no fun. :-(

Are there special init-parameters needed to solve this?

If I could have a running example, I will find my way. ;-)

best regards and thank you in advance!

2WS2812 using FastLED Empty Re: WS2812 using FastLED Sun Apr 02, 2023 4:05 pm



Seems that FastLED library is generating timings for WS2812B, not for WS2812, so it will not work here.

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