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Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question

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1Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Empty Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Thu Oct 06, 2022 11:13 pm


I'm doing tests with I2C taking a cue from existing components.
It happens to me that the readByte () function works but writeByte () doesn't respond (I thought it answered automatically) while startWrite () works which I don't know what it is for.
If you can help me, thank you

2Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Empty Re: Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Fri Oct 07, 2022 1:57 am



but writeByte () doesn't respond (I thought it answered automatically) while startWrite () works which I don't know what it is for.
Have a look at src/simulator/elements/logic/e.i2c.cpp lines 211 and 215.

3Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Empty Re: Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Mon Oct 17, 2022 8:50 pm


To understand i2c I tried to bring the DS1621 Simulide 0.4.15 component.
I made the comparison with the other i2c components (R / W) and I feel okay, but it doesn't work , the DS1621 :: writeByte () function does not start.
If you have some time to take a look, I am attaching the code.
Thank you
Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Attachmentds1621.zip
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4Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Empty Re: Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Tue Oct 18, 2022 4:22 am



Have a look at src/simulator/elements/logic/e.i2c.cpp line 208:
    if( m_rxReg == m_address ) {            // Address match
        if( rw ) {                      // Master is Reading
            m_state = I2C_READING;
        } else {                        // Master is Writting
            m_state = I2C_WRITTING;
            m_bitPtr = 0;

writeByte() is called after an Address match when Master is reading.
If writeByte() is not called it is because there is no Address match and/or Master is not reading.

You should debug the program and add breakpoints to see what is actually happening.

5Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Empty Re: Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Tue Oct 25, 2022 8:29 pm


The problem was the Arduino sketch by modifying some lines it works.
It also works on another "Pr0e3u5" simulator, it didn't work before.
The problem is that now it doesn't work on Simulide 1.0.1,
I attach the old and new sketches.
Taken from here
Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Attachmentds1621.zip
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6Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Empty Re: Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:03 pm



7Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Empty Re: Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Wed Oct 26, 2022 3:21 pm


In release 1376 both sketches do not work.

8Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Empty Re: Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Wed Oct 26, 2022 4:55 pm



In release 1376 both sketches do not work.
Both are working for me.
They use different pins for LCD connection, maybe related to this.

9Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Empty Re: Simulide 0.4.15 I2C question Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:19 pm


Sorry it's true they both work.

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