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New "Signal Generator" Component.

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1New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty New "Signal Generator" Component. Wed Jun 15, 2022 7:44 am



I open this topic to discuss about the replacement for WaveGen Component.

WaveGen is one channel always referenced to ground generating Sine, Saw, Triangle, Square and random waves.

The idea for the new "Signal Generator" is a multichannel device with reference Pin.
So it will be like a collection of the old Wavegen units in a single component.

It will have these configurable settings:
- Number of channels.
- Use/Hide Reference Pin.

Also should have the possibility of loading a file with multichannel data and create the channels automatically.

Each channel should have these configurable settings:
- Wave tipe: Sine, Saw, Triangle, Square, Random, Script  or Data from file.
- Frequency.
- Samples per cycle (quality).
- Phase shift.
- Duty (if aplicable).
- File path (if aplicable).

- Semi Amplitude. (if aplicable).
- Middle Voltage. (if aplicable).

Each channel has a button to open configuration dialog, somehow similar to "function" component, or maybe just right-click:

New "Signal Generator" Component. Wave1010

What do you think?
Any ideas?

2New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Wed Jun 15, 2022 8:15 am



This mus be another component. The current one is very practical and usable with a IDEAL SIZE.

3New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Wed Jun 15, 2022 10:11 am



This mus be another component. The current one is very practical and usable with a IDEAL SIZE.
If you configure it for 1 channel and don't use Ref Pin it will look similar.

4New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Wed Jun 15, 2022 11:37 am



ah, ok then.

5New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:38 pm



Good afternoon ! These signal generators must have a second output and such editingNew "Signal Generator" Component. 2022-179
New "Signal Generator" Component. 2022-180
New "Signal Generator" Component. 2022-181

6New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:58 pm



Current generator. Must have current direction with respect to ground (neutral wire)New "Signal Generator" Component. 2022-182

7New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Thu Jun 16, 2022 1:14 pm



If possible, make: Modulating current generator.New "Signal Generator" Component. 2022-183

8New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Thu Jun 16, 2022 8:03 pm



Good afternoon ! These signal generators must have a second output and such editing
Hi Alex.
Yes, what I call "Reference Pin" is indeed an output.

Current generator. Must have current direction with respect to ground (neutral wire)
If possible, make: Modulating current generator.
I think that is another component, this one is to generate variable voltage signals.
In the future you will be able to connect one of this (signal generator) to a voltage controlled current source.

Alex68 likes this post

9New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Fri Jun 17, 2022 9:51 am



Bit pattern generator. The same can be done.New "Signal Generator" Component. 2022-184
New "Signal Generator" Component. 2022-185

10New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Fri Jun 17, 2022 10:32 am



Bit pattern generator. The same can be done.
Yes, good idea.

11New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:06 pm



New "Signal Generator" Component. Oscila12

As i told you before, i don't see this component that you propose as very useful. however, an adjustable generator like this that I include is missing.

An capacitor is as main component in order to change the range without having to edit the OSCILADOR component.

Tell me something, please...

New "Signal Generator" Component. AttachmentOSCILADOR.zip
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12New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Mon Oct 03, 2022 3:12 pm



an adjustable generator like this that I include is missing.

An capacitor is as main component in order to change the range without having to edit the OSCILADOR component.
Good idea for another component.

13New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Mon Oct 03, 2022 6:10 pm



Add it to Simulide set if you like.

14New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Mon Dec 12, 2022 4:52 pm



This component will not be implemented soon.
So I added a bipolar version to the existing Wave Generator.
(Related to this: https://simulide.forumotion.com/t30-features-for-function-generator)

There are 2 new properties:
- Bipolar: activates bipolar mode (shows a second pin).

- Floating:
If activated the component works as a floating voltage source (Middle voltage not used).
If deactivated the out voltages are fixed the same way than unipolar.

Here a video showing how it works:

Last edited by arcachofo on Fri Dec 16, 2022 3:08 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Add link to related discussion)

15New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Mon Dec 12, 2022 5:07 pm



Well, studying your video, I notice that this has the behaves like the secondary of a transformer. it is OK. Include this option in the next version of simulide, please, it is very nice. Good job!

16New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Fri Dec 16, 2022 2:38 am



I would be happy to have both the "multi-function generator" and the reference pin.
For the first, a student has an application with prefiltered signals (low pass, band pass, high pass).
The later one helps the student not to "learn" mistakes by simulide, since adding voltage source real sources the old simulide way (= just connect the source outputs with wires) might lead to loss of the magic smoke..


17New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Fri Dec 16, 2022 2:56 pm



I would be happy to have both the "multi-function generator" and the reference pin.
For the first, a student has an application with prefiltered signals (low pass, band pass, high pass).
The later one helps the student not to "learn" mistakes by simulide, since adding voltage source real sources the old simulide way (= just connect the source outputs with wires) might lead to loss of the magic smoke..
With the new options You can do almost anything, one feature missing is Phase shift, but indeed it can be added to this single channel generator.

The only thing not possible is the capability lo load multichannel wav files.

18New "Signal Generator" Component. Empty Re: New "Signal Generator" Component. Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:40 pm



Added Phase shift property to WaveGen at Rev 2002:

New "Signal Generator" Component. Wave12

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