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Revision in caption is obsolete.

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1Revision in caption is obsolete. Empty Revision in caption is obsolete. Wed Apr 20, 2022 1:59 am


Minor issue - revision in caption is obsolete. Current revision is 1097, on caption is 1073.

Is there a way to sync that with repository automatically?

2Revision in caption is obsolete. Empty Re: Revision in caption is obsolete. Wed Apr 20, 2022 4:47 am



Is there a way to sync that with repository automatically?
It is synched.
Just rebuild everything.

3Revision in caption is obsolete. Empty Re: Revision in caption is obsolete. Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:36 am


Complete build is quite time depended (10-15 min, IIRC). What I do is following:

bzr pull
cd ./build_XX

Is it necessary to do qmake as well or perhaps to delete some file in order to force compiler to get latest revision?

4Revision in caption is obsolete. Empty Re: Revision in caption is obsolete. Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:44 am



Yes, to rebuild everything:
make clean
make [-jn]

In some cases is useful to delete build_XX/build folder after make clean and before qmake.

5Revision in caption is obsolete. Empty Re: Revision in caption is obsolete. Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:47 am



Complete build is quite time depended
You can use: make -jn, where n = number of proccess to use.
It takes 1 min 25 seconds to rebuild for me with -j6.

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